Page 125 of Infernium
Something wet hit my shoulder, and I turned just enough to see black fluid drip from Jericho’s fang, his body held suspended. Paralyzed.
“Honestly, you make me want to reconsider Ex Nihilo.”
“Release me!” Jericho growled, his body frantically jerking against mine as I slipped out from between him and the wall. “She is mine! Release me at once!”
Absolutely mortified and covering as much of my body as I could, I scrambled for the sheet still lying crumpled by his bed and wrapped it around me.
“No. But come to think of it, perhaps I should. Perhaps we should just get this over with so everyone can go on their merry little fucking way.” Vaszhago’s scornful eyes were on me, as I approached the door. “And just how did you manage to get him free?”
“I didn’t. He broke the chain.”
He strode toward the bed and lifted the broken chain from the mattress. On a growl, he tossed it back down. “This is what happens when someone else does the chaining. I always double it up.” He nodded toward me. “Go.”
Frowning, I stared back at him. “Why? What will you do to him?”
“Haven’t decided yet.”
“He didn’t hurt me, Vaszhago. I’m fine. He just … scared me.”
Jericho wriggled only so much as the paralysis Vaszhago had clearly placed on him would allow. “Had I full powers, you would be dead!”
“I’m aware,” the demon answered in a bored tone before setting his attention back on me. “Tonight, it was a simple scare. Tomorrow, he could full-on claim you, or worse. Remember, it’s not you I’m worried about. It’s me.”
Always the asshole. “I will stay away from him, then. I swear it.”
“Humans have no true means of binding their words. They’re just words. Meaningless,” he hissed. “Now, go. Or I will snap his spine as you watch.”
“You hurt him, and I will stab myself in the throat.”
“You’d have to have access to knives.”
“I’ll hold my breath. Drown myself in the bath. Spit on a freaking papercut!”
“No, you won’t.” He rubbed a hand down his face. “I’ve got an idea. But if you don’t go back to your room, I’ll put you into paralysis and drag you there myself.”
“Fine. I’ll go. But just know? I’m watching you, demon.” I pointed two fingers toward his eyes, then mine.
“A basket of kittens is more of a threat.”
Grinding my teeth, I turned and left the room, tromping back toward my own bedroom. Halfway there, something struck my belly, and I skidded to a halt, placing my hand on it. A snaking sensation against my palm had me recoiling.
“Farryn? Are you all right?” The voice belonged to Kezhurah, who tilted her head, staring back at me.
“Yeah. I’m fine,” I lied. “Thanks again, for everything.”
“My pleasure.”
A strange sensation burned in my stomach, a deep cramping nausea, but I held my smile as I stepped past her and back into my room. Crossing toward the bed, I felt the ache intensify, just as it had the night before.
Lie down, Farryn. A little rest is all you need.
I climbed into the bed and wrapped the sheet around me. While my mind anchored itself to thoughts of what Vaszhago might do with Jericho, the stabbing sensation in my belly clawed for my attention.
A strange sound reached my ears. Crying.
A baby crying.
I sat up in bed, staring across the room at the circle where Kezhurah’s name was still drawn on my wall. A dark thought chimed inside my head. Babies. What if she stole them? What if she planned to steal mine?