Page 36 of Infernium
“If I can track him down, I will do my best to bring him back.”
“Promise.” Brow raised, I crossed my arms over my chest, which seemed to draw his gaze to my breasts.
“What is a promise to you humans? I could promise you the world, then set it aflame, and nothing changes.”
“I’ve not seen him in years. I’ve not heard his voice. Looked into his eyes. Heard him say my name. All I have are infinity symbols made of twine, and a lifetime of sadness and confusion.” I sighed. In truth, I’d grown pessimistic about seeing him again. The daughter inside of me clung to a small sliver of hope, but the adult who’d already lived through years of pain and emptiness had come to accept that I might never see him again. “If you manage to find him, if he’s here, I need to see him.”
“I understand. I will bring him home.”
With a nod, I glanced around the room, trying not to look at him, for fear I’d crack and start sobbing again. “So, these arrangements you made for me. What are they?”
“I intend to hire something of a bodyguard for you.”
“A bodyguard?” The thought was so ridiculous, I accidentally snorted a laugh.
“It’s necessary if we’re apart.”
“So, where does thisbodyguardcome from? Another save from death row, like the dog caretakers you hire?”
His lips curved to a smile. “Actually, yes.”
“Seriously? I’m assuming he’s on death row for a reason?”
“He’s a very skilled killer who happened to eliminate the wrong demon.”
Eyes narrowed on him, I waited for the punchline for what had to be a joke. “And you trust him to watch overme? Because that doesn’t sound like you.”
“He will be bound to you through a curse that, if broken, would essentially be eternal pain and suffering.”
On an exasperated huff, I slouched back in the pew. “Well, you certainly cover your bases. Do you trust him not to harm Anya when she retrieves him?”
“She won’t be retrieving him. I will.”
Frowning, I crossed my arms again. “So, you’re okay leaving me to go off and buy abodyguard, but heaven forbid you leave me here to search for my father? This isn’t just about leaving me alone, is it? This bodyguard is another barrier between us, too.”
He buried his gaze in his drink. “A precaution.”
“A killer. And just how do you know him?”
“He tried to assassinate me once.”
All I could do was nod, because not a damned lick of it made any sense. “I think something happened in the crossing over from Ex Nihilo. Something isn’t right with you.”
“Something did happen. It’s why I’m doing this. Vaszhago won’t hesitate to kill me, if I attempt to harm you.”
Vaszhago. Of course he’d have a name that reminded me of a musketeer. “And who’s to say he won’t try to kill you because he’s having a bad day? Or because his coffee got cold too quickly?”
His lips twitched with a smile that he buried in another sip of his absinthe. “It’s hard to explain, but we have something of a moral code between us.”
“Oh, well, never mind my apprehensions. You have amoral codebetween you.” The irritation inside of me flared, and I turned away, scowling. Having essentially taken care of myself since I was old enough to make my own pot of coffee–which was about age nine–the thought of someone shadowing me sat like a barrel of rotten animosity in my gut. “Look, I get it. You’re worried. You’re insanely overprotective. To a fault, really. A bit obsessive. And maybe even slightly unhinged. But I don’t need all this, Jericho. I don’t need a bodyguard, and I don’t need you acting like I’m fragile, or like you have to stay away from me. I’m a big girl. I can take care of myself.”
His chest rose and fell with a heavy sigh. “Farryn, please trust me on this.”
I drummed my fingers on the pew’s glossy wood, still keeping my irritated gaze from his. “Fine. But don’t expect me to be nice and sweet.”
“I wouldn’t dream of that.” In my periphery, I caught sight of him reaching behind him. “I have something for you.”
“Oh?” I swung my attention back around.