Page 49 of Don't Let Me Break
“Uh, it’s a huge deal. This”––I spread my arms wide and do a small twirl, showcasing the entire family room and kitchen––“is gorgeous.”
“Thanks. Make yourself at home. I’m gonna take a quick shower. I had to clean up some vomit today, and––”
“Ew, gross.” I shiver. “Definitely go shower.”
Relieved, he rounds the edge of the counter, leaving the groceries he’d purchased scattered along its surface. “Do you want me to show you how to turn on a show?”
My backpack lands with a soft thump as I slip it off my shoulder and set it on the counter next to a bag of carrots. “I’m okay. I’ll start on my homework and wait until you get back.”
“Perfect. The guest bathroom’s this way, in case you need it.” He points to a closed door near the front entrance. “Let me start a fire real quick so you don’t get cold. I’ll be in the master bathroom if you need anything.”
“Okay.” I can’t help but watch his backside as he bends down next to the hearth and starts a fire, then strides down the hall toward his bedroom. At least, I assume it leads to his room. When he rounds the corner and disappears, I clear my throat. After all, checking out your friend’s butt is probably frowned upon. And it’s most definitelynotwhy I’m here. I’m here to be “not lonely” while I study and nothing more. Mack knows it. And so do I.
Focus on school.
Clicking my tongue against the roof of my mouth, I pull up an assignment from Professor Litwak and scan the material, the words blurring together as the minutes tick by. Not sure why I assumed I’d be able to concentrate in Mack’s home. Then again, I didn’t exactly expect him to live in the middle of the woods in a gorgeous house like this, either.
He’s different than I’d assumed.
And the fact he has kids? Kids who don’t talk to him, thanks to his ex-wife? Who does that? She turned their kids on their father all because she’s bitter about how things ended?
I bet he’s a good dad. Patient. Kind. I mean, yeah, I guess I’m making assumptions about him, but am I really? He’s never been anything but sweet and kind and patient with me. Even when I was acting out. Even when I was being a brat. He always took it in stride. And the only time he even came close to being frustrated with me was when I put myself in danger by walking home in the dark. Admittedly, he kind of had a good reason to be frustrated. He wasscared.
Poor Mack.
Who are his daughters? And can I smack them upside the head for him?
Not your problem, Kate, I remind myself.
I scratch at my temple and scan the assignment again but barely make it through a paragraph when the image of Mack with his shirt off while under the showerhead rises to the surface.
Not gonna think about a naked Macklin.
Bad idea.
Super bad idea.
I push myself away from the leather stool, head to the kitchen cabinets, find a glass, and fill it with water from the dispenser on the fridge as my curiosity gets the best of me. My steps are slow as I peruse the kitchen, then note the fresh veggies and fruits filling the refrigerator along with the six-pack of Redd’s Hard Cider. There isn’t a crumb on the counter or a single chair out of place. They’re simply tucked beneath the dark round table near the windows. He’s a tidy guy. I’ll give him that much. And the fireplace is something else. Setting my glass on the counter, I head toward the hearth and rub my hands together in front of the flames. The wood crackles, and the glow warms my chest as well as my fingers. I’m staring at the red, orange, and yellow dancing together when a picture frame catches my eye on the mantle.
I reach up to examine it more closely.
Wait. Is that––
“Everything okay?” Macklin asks from the hall.
I drop my hand and turn to face him, feeling like I’ve been caught doing something I shouldn’t, but it only lasts a second because I’m too distracted by the man in front of me to care.
Hot damn.
His hair is still damp from the shower as he runs his hand over it, watching me and leaving me speechless. My attention slides down his toned body, taking in his gray sweatpants hanging low on his hips and his navy blue hoodie. The color makes his cool blue eyes pop.
I kind of love how he changed into something so comfortable. So normal.