Page 77 of Don't Let Me Break
Mia laughs under her breath and whispers, “Not interested, my ass.”
I give her a pointed look and tuck the wisps of hair falling from my ponytail behind my ears, hoping I don’t look like a drowned raccoon like the first time we ran into each other here. I stare at the ground, attempting to look interested in the hard foam pads beneath my sneakers instead of the man across the room. Still, I swear I can feel him moving closer to us. It’s like my body recognizes his anytime he’s around. Like gravity. An invisible force tugging me toward him or him toward me. It’s exhausting fighting it. But giving in is an entirely new level of danger I’m not sure I’m ready for.
“How you guys doin’?” Mack asks once he’s reached us.
“We’re good,” Mia replies. “By the way, I don’t think we’ve officially been introduced yet. I’m Mia.”
Another twinge of jealousy settles at my sternum, but I ignore it, watching Macklin shake Mia’s hand. He smiles kindly back at her. “I’m Mack, Theo’s older brother. Nice to meet you.” He lets her hand go and turns to me. “Hey, Kate.”
“Hey,” I murmur, smiling shyly.
What are you thinking? Did you figure out how to delete your dating apps? Did my smell cling to your pillow the same way yours is still clinging to my skin? Do you regret telling me you’re interested in me? Do you wish we’d never met?
“So, Mack,” Blake interrupts. “I was wondering if you could help us with something.”
Breaking our little staring contest, he looks at Blake and nods. “Sure thing. What do you need?”
“Kate’s been dying to learn how to do a pull-up, but she’s not quite there strength-wise. I was wondering if you could help her.”
Dying to learn how to do a pull-up? What’s this girl smoking?
“Yeah, sure. How can I help?” Macklin asks.
“Basically, I need you to lift her up so she can reach the bar, then I want you to grab the bar yourself and face her so you guys are chest to chest. Once you’re situated, Kate’s supposed to wrap her legs around your hips, and I want you to assist her with the pull-ups by taking some of her weight and, ya know, doing the pull-upswithher. Make sense?”
My eyes bug out of my head as I attempt to register what she’s talking about, but I’m still stuck on the wholeshe’s supposed to wrap her legs around your hipspart.
My voice squeaks as I interrupt, “I’m sorry, what?”
“I think I understand what you’re saying,” Mack tells Blake. He walks over to the pull-up bar a few feet away and stands under it. “You comin’, Kate?”
Mia snorts and covers her mouth. “She will be when she replays this tonight.”
I glare at her as Blake nudges me between my shoulder blades. “As your own personal trainer, I expect you to follow orders. Now, go on.”
Kill. Me. Now.
I face Mack and paste on a fake smile, unsure what to do or what to say since my friends have thrown down the proverbial gauntlet, and I have to deal with the repercussions.
It’s not like he’ll actually go through with this…
Will he?
“You ready?” he questions.
Letting out a soft breath between pursed lips, I look up at the bar and nod. “Yup.”
His grip is soft as he grabs my waist. “Jump on three. One. Two. Three.”
Mack lifts me as I jump. Reaching for the bar, my fingers circle the cold metal.
“Got it?” Mack asks.
“Yeah, I’m good.”
My legs hang limply as Mack jumps up. His hands frame mine on both sides, clutching the bar, and his chest is pressed against me. I can feel the steadythump thumpof his heartbeat, his heat warming me as I stare at his sharp jaw, refusing to look him in the eye. Not when we’re this close. Not when my nipples are pebbling, and I know he can feel them brushing against his chest.
Yeah, no. This is a bad idea. A very bad idea.