Page 40 of Distracted
Deciding it was important to bring this all back full circle, I said, “He won’t stop until he finds me.”
Kane wasn’t the least bit fazed when he fired back, “Then it sucks for him that when he does, you won’t be alone.”
“Kane, I—”
That was all I got out before Kane stood, his hand still wrapped around mine. “Let’s go, Ellery.”
“I’m getting you out of here today,” he said. “Tomorrow, we can come back and work on any of the training you want to work on.”
“Where are we going now?”
Not missing a beat, Kane tugged on my hand and said, “My place.”
The next thing I knew, he was leading me out of the conference room and toward the front door.
This might have been real life, but it sure felt like a fairytale come true.
The fantasy was nice.
As much as I might have liked to believe that I was a tough woman who could endure anything, withstand anything, I had to admit that I was human. And considering I’d had years of nothing even remotely close to resembling the happy-ever-after endings I’d read about in my line of work, I gave myself just a bit of time to relish in the fantasy.
I can admit I was tempted to let it keep going.
Having yearned for something for so long, even with no hope of ever having it, I just wanted one day to experience something that felt really good.
But I eventually realized that by taking advantage of that opportunity, I’d only be setting myself up for disaster.
Sure, the saying was that it was better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all. While I was well aware of the fact that this was not about love or anything close to that, I thought the sentiment of that statement was prudent here.
Was it better to allow myself to fall into this, handing over the reins to Kane, and hope he’d be able to guide me somewhere safe and wonderful only to have it end when the threat no longer existed, if that was even possible?
Would it be okay to dream that this was all part of how it had to happen? Should I allow myself to trust in the process and believe that it was all going to work out in the end?
If I was still young and naïve, I might have said yes. I might have found a way to convince myself that it was okay to dream, because everything was going to turn out just how I wanted.
But I wasn’t young and naïve. I was older and wiser, and I’d been through enough to know that the world I lived in was anything but perfect. Worse yet, it was unsafe.
Not just for me, but for Kane, too.
And if there was anything worse than desperately wanting something I’d never be able to have, it would have been knowing that I was responsible for putting someone kind and decent in a precarious position.
I couldn’t let Kane get hurt because of me.
I now knew precisely what kind of man Patrick was, and I didn’t doubt for one second that he’d not hesitate to harm someone else if it meant he’d be able to get to me.
So, I had to put an end to the fantasy.
Only, I wasn’t exactly sure how I was going to do it now that Kane had dragged me out of the Harper Security Ops building, led me to his truck, and planted me inside of it. He was already driving away from the building and on his way to what I assumed had to be his place based on what he said in the conference room.
I had to stop him.
“Kane?” I called quietly.