Page 27 of Ruined
Kane grinned at me in a way that indicated he had suspicions about where my mindset might have been when it came to Hanna. Well, he could have all the thoughts he wanted to; I wasn’t going to tell him anything.
“She’s a cutie,” Kane said. “And from everything Ellery has told me, she’s a really sweet girl.”
Now it was my turn to narrow my eyes at him. “What do you want me to do with this information?” I asked.
He threw his hands up and out to the side as he shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know. You’re not seeing anyone right now, are you?”
Shooting me a knowing look, Kane urged, “So, I think you should find a way to talk to her. You could be the first of us to not wind up with a girl who is in any sort of trouble.”
He wasn’t wrong about that.
For some reason, each of the guys who worked at Harper Security Ops and was no longer single had found themselves with a woman who’d wound up in some sort of precarious situation. There was no question that if I pursued Hanna, I’d be breaking the streak.
“Kane, I don’t think that could happen,” I told him.
“Why not?” he questioned me.
I started to wonder if perhaps he really knew a thing about Hanna. “She’s incredibly shy. I said a few words to her at Tarryn’s, and it was clear to me that she’s very timid.”
“But she did talk to you?” he asked.
He shot me an incredulous look. “That’s all you need.”
I rolled my eyes. “Well, right now, I’ve got to figure out my next angle for this case I’m working on. Maybe once this is over, I’ll have a few minutes to consider how to approach her without making her want to run in the opposite direction.”
Leaning forward with a grin on his face, Kane said, “So you are interested in her.”
“I don’t really know her, but you said it yourself; she’s beautiful,” I argued.
“No. No, I said she was a cutie.Yousaid she was beautiful.”
“Whatever, man. It’s the same thing,” I said, fully aware of the fact that I was lying to both him and myself. There was a big difference between the two, and when I looked at Hanna, “cutie” wasn’t the first word that popped into my head.
At that, Kane stood and laughed at me. “Keep telling yourself that. And by the way, it’s late. You should get out of here.”
“I will. I’m heading out in a few minutes. Tell Ellery I said hello.”
Kane was already walking out of my office when he replied, “I’ll make sure to tell her to say the same to Hanna for you, too.”
I knew he was teasing, but I would have been lying if I said I wasn’t just a little concerned that he might actually follow through with that. I wasn’t in high school. I didn’t need to pass messages to a girl through other people.
If I wanted to talk to Hanna, I would.
But knowing how she’d been the last time I was around her, I wasn’t sure it was going to be that easy.
It happened just before lunch.
I’d just gotten out of my car and was heading into Grant’s Deli when I saw her.
It was two days after I’d had a discussion with Kane about her, and it was the first I was seeing her since we ran into each other at the coffee shop.
Hanna hadn’t yet noticed me, but that was because she was frantically attempting to clean up the mess she’d made. It seemed she’d just parked her car and tried to get some things out of the passenger’s seat that needed to go into the post office.