Page 48 of Ruined
The sound of my name coming past her lips was just one more thing I hadn’t gotten used to yet. I liked it too much, and I didn’t know if I’d ever tire of hearing her say it.
Relief swept through me as I reached out, slid my arm around her waist, and tugged her body toward mine. Then, I lifted my other hand up to the side of her head, drove it into her incredibly soft hair, and captured her mouth with mine.
No sooner had my lips touched hers when I needed more. I immediately demanded access to her mouth with my tongue, and Hanna didn’t hesitate to grant it.
The two of us stayed like that for a long time, and I was enjoying it so much I was tempted to let it continue indefinitely.
But then I remembered that Hanna had just agreed to let me take her out on a real date, and I was genuinely excited to do that.
So, I eventually tore my mouth from hers and asked, “Does tomorrow night work for you?”
“Tomorrow works,” she confirmed, her voice a breathy whisper and unbelievably sexy.
I touched my lips to hers once more before I pulled back and said, “I’ll come by around six to pick you up, if that’s okay.”
“Six is perfect.”
Smiling at her, I gave her one last squeeze before letting her go and moving toward the door. When I got there and opened it up, I looked back and said, “Dress up. We’re doing fancy tomorrow night.” Surprise, and a bit of excitement, washed over her face. I didn’t wait for her to respond, though. “See you tomorrow, Hanna.”
“Goodbye, Leo.”
With that, I walked out and made my way to my car. Then, I went right home and put in a grueling workout. It was the only thing I could think to do that might help with alleviating some of the growing sexual tension.
Expectations could easily lead to disappointment. For that reason, I tried not to have any specific hopes going into tonight.
It was Sunday evening, and I had just arrived and parked in the lot to pick up Hanna for our date. Obviously, I wanted things to go well. As long as we both enjoyed ourselves, I’d be happy. If anything happened beyond that, I’d consider it a bonus. A very nice bonus.
Sadly, no sooner had I walked up to her door, and she opened it when all of those thoughts flew out the window.
Seeing Hanna all dressed up, it was impossible not to feel some hope about where the night would lead.
Her dress.
Fuck, her dress was perfection.
Form-fitting satin-like fabric, the color of watermelon, with thin, delicate straps over her shoulders, and an asymmetrical high slit that showed off almost all of one of her legs had me struggling to remain composed.
The dress might have been perfection, but it was Hanna who made it exquisite.
God, I loved her curves.
My eyes lingered for quite some time on her exposed thigh before moving up over her hips. The dressed pulled in at her tiny waist and offered an impeccable view of the top swells of her breasts.
When my gaze met hers, I said, “I thought you wanted me to take you out tonight.”
Confusion washed over her. “I do.”
I cocked an eyebrow and explained, “I’m mostly just teasing you. That dress is stunning on you, Hanna.”
“Thank you,” she returned.
“You’re welcome. Are you ready?” I asked.
Quite frankly, I wasn’t quite sure how she could think there was anything else she’d need to do to get herself ready. I’d never seen a more beautiful woman in my life.
“I am,” she confirmed. “Let me just grab my purse and my keys, so I can lock up.”
I waited just outside the door while Hanna moved away to grab her purse. I knew I could have gone inside, but I didn’t exactly trust that I’d be able to keep my hands off of her if I walked through that door. As much as I wanted her, I wanted her to have this night out even more.