Page 10 of Crave the Love
“Oh, you’re one of those guys,” I said.
“What does that mean?”
I shook my head. “I turn any devices I have on and hope that they work. If they don’t, I melt down.”
He chuckled. “I do more than just fix broken computers and phones. In fact, that’s very little of what I do. My hope is to eventually be like you and be able to do this on my own. I’d prefer to have multiple clients and be able to set my own schedule, but it’s taking a bit of time to get there.”
He was ambitious.
I liked that a lot.
“I might be wrong, but you seem like the kind of guy who isn’t going to rest until he gets what he wants. I have a feeling that if you want to be able to do this on your own, you will. But I guess I’m curious what you’re doing if it’s not fixing computers for people like me.”
Johnny let out another laugh. And for the next little while, the two of us had a lovely dinner together. He told me all about the specifics of his line of work, and I was glad there were people like him in the world. There was no question I couldn’t do what he did.
Of course, our conversation eventually shifted, and he told me a bit more about his brother, sister, and his parents. If this had just been some random guy I’d met on vacation, I might not have cared to learn all that I did, but with Johnny, it was different.
He lived close to me.
I didn’t want to get ahead of myself, but there was a possibility that when vacation was over, we could potentially continue this.
From what he’d shared at dinner, it was obvious he came from a nice family.
Before I knew it, dinner was over, and Johnny didn’t hesitate to whisk me away to go dancing. Fortunately, we didn’t have to go far. There was a spot two doors down from where we’d had dinner, so there was no need for us to have to hop into a car to get to where we were going.
I couldn’t manage to contain my excitement. The truth was, there was a small part of me that had been having doubts about whether Johnny really intended to take me dancing. I guess I didn’t think he wouldn’t go with me, but I truly wasn’t convinced he’d actually do any dancing.
But no sooner did it seem we walked inside when Johnny led me out onto the dance floor.
He left me feeling genuinely surprised.
And best of all, it gave me the opportunity to touch him. Other than when I’d given him a hug of gratitude following our walk on the beach yesterday and the moment he’d urged me out of the way of the runaway umbrella, Johnny and I hadn’t touched each other.
Now, it seemed I was getting more than my fair share of it. Both touching and being touched.
Our bodies were close together, my arms over his shoulders or my hands pressed to his chest. Surprisingly, Johnny was a gentleman. He slipped his arms around my back, or he touched my waist, but he didn’t venture into any indecent spots. I thought that said a lot about him, and I found myself wishing he’d allow his hands to drift down over my ass.
Fast or slow, Johnny didn’t shy away from dancing. We moved together, and he was very good at it, which came as another shock.
Since I wasn’t keen on leaving anything up to chance, I decided that he needed to know just how happy I was.
So when a slower song came on and we were pressed together, chest to chest, I slid my hand up the back of his neck into his hair and looked him in the eyes. “This night was on its way to being a bust, and it’s turned out to be one of the best nights of my life. I’ve had such a great time with you tonight, Johnny.”
His arm tightened around my waist as he leaned his head a little closer to me. “I’m glad to hear that. I’ve had far more fun with you than I would have had with my brother.”
I grinned at him. “You don’t have to call me,” I told him.
“I told you on the beach yesterday that if you called me, I’d tell you what my other favorite thing to do is,” I reminded him. “You don’t need to call me now, because you’re doing it with me.”
Surprise washed over his face. “Dancing?”
I nodded slowly. I didn’t know if it was the little that I’d had to drink that was doing it or if it was simply being with Johnny, but I was positive my face was telling him precisely how I felt. Even still, I confirmed, “I love dancing.”
“That’s a bummer,” he muttered.
“What? Why? Do you not like it?” I questioned him. “You’re fantastic at it.”