Page 12 of Crave the Love
To knowing no matter what came our way, Kiera and I would face each hurdle together, our love and affection for one another being what mattered the most to us.
“I’m so lucky to have you in my life,” I finally said as I began walking the both of us into the living room. “I’m still so grateful for that rogue umbrella.”
Kiera giggled as I sat down on the couch with her in my arms. Once we were there, she leaned forward and touched her mouth to mine.
Just as I had expected.
This was Kiera. This was how she’d been with me from the start, and there wasn’t a single thing I didn’t love about it.
Whether we were spending quality time together or celebrating an important milestone in our lives, Kiera always offered a bevy of affection. She kissed and touched a lot, and I often wondered if she knew how much I loved having that with her, if she knew precisely how much I needed it with her, since it was something I’d always done with her. Anytime I was around her, I wanted my hands on her.
That didn’t mean I needed or expected us to always be having sex. While there was no question I’d never turn that down with her, I often enjoyed the little things, too. Holding her hand if we were walking together, resting my hand on her thigh if we were in the car, or wrapping her up in my arms if we were cuddling on the couch to watch a movie. There was never a moment when I didn’t feel the pull to touch her.
As Kiera’s tongue swept into my mouth, something moved through me. The feeling it left me with was profound, something I couldn’t begin to ignore.
I wanted this forever.
I wanted this woman in my life until the day I died.
When Kiera tore her mouth from mine, her eyes searched my face. “I love that umbrella, too. And I’m so proud of you. Tell me what happened today.”
There was that, too.
As much as Kiera offered affection, something that was far more important to me, she needed the details. She didn’t shy away from sex, but she wanted conversation. She wanted time together that involved other things.
I was more than happy to give it for two reasons. Not only did I like giving her the things she needed in our relationship, but the rewards I got in return made it worth it.
“They didn’t make it easy on me,” I started. “In fact, for the first seventy-five percent of the meeting, I wasn’t sure they were going to give me the business. But once I got through some of the specifics of the technical stuff and started talking to them about the type of service I planned to provide when it came to communicating with me, I noticed the change. They liked knowing that I was going to be the guy they worked with on a regular basis. The one thing I can provide that the bigger corporations can’t or don’t is a level of personalized service. They’ll get me every time they reach out, and that was something that was particularly important to them.”
Kiera’s face lit up with pride. “I didn’t doubt you for a second. They would have been fools not to give you the business.”
I smiled back at her and noted, “Yeah, well, now that they have, I’m feeling a whole lot better about this decision to branch out on my own. I’ve got those few smaller clients that I’m really grateful for, but I needed an account like this to really solidify that choice I made. Now, I just have to make sure I deliver on everything I promised.”
“You’re great at what you do, Johnny. There’s no reason for you or for them to feel any concern about not coming through. You’re that way with everything you do, always giving attention to every detail, even the ones that might not seem so important,” Kiera said.
Unable to hold myself back, I pressed a soft kiss to her lips as my hands drifted down over her ass. “Sometimes, paying attention to those tiny details is what makes all the difference.”
Brushing her lips against mine, she declared, “Well, I can certainly attest to your ability to pay attention to the details. You never overlook a single thing.”
“Happy to know I don’t disappoint you,” I whispered before I kissed her mouth.
She eventually tore her mouth from mine before she whispered back, “I think we should celebrate your win right here on the couch, and I should try to see how good I am with all the details.”
“If you’re expecting me to refuse, it’s not going to happen.”
Kiera let out a laugh, buried her face in my neck, and allowed her tongue to come out to taste me. In the end, she might not have gotten every spot she wanted to before I took over, but she got the important ones, and that was more than enough for me.
Six months later
“Feeling any better?”
That came from me and was directed at Kiera.
Her eyelids were heavy as she answered, “I feel better now that I’ve taken a shower and had something to eat, which I really appreciate you taking the time to make for me. But I won’t lie and say that I’m not absolutely exhausted.”
As I lifted one of her feet in my hands and began massaging, I noted, “Well, you had quite the busy weekend.”
“I don’t know what I was thinking when I booked all of the parties as I did,” she replied. “If I ever get the idea to do something like I did this weekend again, please stop me by any means necessary.”