Page 31 of Crave the Love
I didn’t want to let it go, but the look on her face had me stopping in my tracks. I didn’t want to hurt her. I never did. And the way I acted tonight had certainly done that.
So, I gave her a nod and walked out of the room.
But I didn’t immediately walk away. I stood there outside the room, wondering if I’d made the wrong decision.
I got my first hint that I did when I heard her crying into her pillow.
And I got my second clue when, just two weeks later, Kiera told me she wanted a divorce.
Present Day
“We’re looking forward to seeing how this relationship progresses over the next few months.”
Relief swept through me. “Likewise. Expect an email from my secretary in a few minutes, and I’ll be in touch shortly.”
“Sounds great, Mr. Barlow.”
“Johnny,” I returned.
“Right. Johnny. We’ll talk to you soon.”
With that, I said goodbye and disconnected the call.
Then I waited.
When it didn’t immediately happen, I waited a little longer. Still, there was nothing. And feeling nothing, I decided it was best to go with what had been the easiest for me lately.
I didn’t know exactly what I’d been waiting for, but I knew something was missing. Maybe that’s what happened simply because my life was starting to fall apart.
Or, my personal life, anyway.
It was clear that my professional life wasn’t suffering in the least, especially not when I’d just landed my biggest contract ever.
Having just had this phone call, one that had been months in the making, I should have felt something. But nothing about it felt the way I had expected it would.
That’s why I was now resorting to anger.
Because I was realizing this was just one more thing Kiera was going to take away from me.
I promised myself I wasn’t going to do this. I wasn’t going to let her ruin this. I’d worked extremely hard for months now to land this account, and I deserved to be happy about it.
And yet, I wasn’t.
Because after three months of living with the knowledge that my marriage was not just on the rocks but well on its way to the end instead, I still hadn’t managed to come to grips with it. I hadn’t accepted that this was where things were.
Of course, I knew that it was happening, but that didn’t mean I liked anything about it. I was furious about it.
How dare Kiera do this? How dare she tell me that she wanted us to be over?
I couldn’t say I didn’t understand it. I knew things hadn’t been the best between us, but this was truly unexpected. Part of me had considered for a moment that day to ask her to reconsider, to tell her I’d go to counseling if she thought it might help.