Page 6 of Crave the Love
I tore my eyes away from the shell, complete with its orange squares that formed its plaid pattern, and stared at him. “The scotch bonnet is the official state shell of North Carolina, and it’s kind of rare. All these years I’ve been collecting, I’ve never found one.”
At my explanation, Johnny seemed to enter his own state of disbelief. “Are you serious?”
When I held the shell back out to him, he asked, “What are you doing?”
“Don’t you want it?”
Johnny’s brows pulled together, a look of confusion washing over him. “Why would I want it?”
“Because it’s a scotch bonnet,” I reminded him.
Letting out a laugh, he noted, “Kiera, until you told me, I didn’t even know there was such a thing as a scotch bonnet, let alone what it was.”
I was caught off guard, hearing him say my name. I liked the way it sounded, and for a brief moment, I was torn between wanting to ask him to repeat himself just so I could hear it again and wanting to confirm that he was serious about letting me keep the shell.
I shook my head, snapping myself out of it, and went with the safer option. “You don’t mind if I keep it?”
Johnny looked like he was about to shake his head, but I could see the moment an idea popped into his mind. “Well, I mean, clearly it has some pretty significant value,” he started. “But I’d be willing to part with it for the right price.”
My eyes widened. “How much would you want for it?”
A lazy smile formed on his face. “I don’t want any money from you, Kiera.”
His voice was deep and full of intention, and there was no missing the way it caused a shiver to run down my spine.
“Okay,” I replied quietly. “What do you want?”
“Two things,” he said.
My brows shot up, and I repeated, “Two things?”
Nodding, he confirmed, “Two things. First, I’d like your phone number.”
“You aren’t wasting any time, are you?” I countered, surprised he was willing to be so forward when we’d just met.
Johnny plucked the shell from the middle of my palm. “Well, the shell is valuable, isn’t it? Why wouldn’t I try to get the very most I can for it?”
Two could play this game.
“And you think my phone number is a worthy trade?”
“I did say I had two things I wanted,” he reminded me.
He had said that.
“So, what else do you want?” I questioned him.
Wearing an amused look, he answered, “I want to know what your other favorite thing to do is.”
He hadn’t forgotten.
Granted, I’d only just mentioned that collecting shells was one of my two favorite things to do not that long ago, but this was the second time he’d mentioned it. I liked his curiosity and appreciated the interest he had in getting to know me better.