Page 68 of Crave the Love
How could we walk away from each other if there was a chance to get back what we had?
And after hearing Zac’s speech, specifically his words to Talia, my mind was thrust right back to my own rehearsal dinner four years ago. Memories from that day, my wedding, the reception, the wedding night, and the honeymoon assaulted my mind. It then became impossible to avoid recalling all that had happened in our relationship before we’d made that commitment to one another as well as all that had happened afterward.
I’d been lucky this week.
Over the last several days, Johnny had given me so much of the guy I’d been missing for months. He was still in there, and he was still just as sweet.
Johnny had never been a liar, so when he said that all that he’d done this week hadn’t been for show, that it had all been genuine, I had no reason not to believe him.
And now, all I could think about was the two of us reconciling. I wondered if it could be this simple.
I wanted it to be.
No matter what happened, I knew that if I didn’t try to give Johnny something even remotely close to what he’d given me this week, I’d regret it for the rest of my life. I’d never forgive myself if I didn’t make the effort to fix what was broken between us the same way he’d done all that he did to turn things around for us.
“The rehearsal dinner was nice,” Johnny said.
The conversation wasn’t about anything particularly important, but having those five words from him felt like the greatest gift in the world. For far too long, we’d tiptoed around one another, never speaking. In the rare moments that we had spoken to each other, it was tense, awkward, or filled with fury. I hadn’t realized how much I missed having a simple conversation with him.
As warmth moved through me, I replied, “Yeah, it really was. I can’t believe they’re finally going to be married tomorrow.”
“Yep. This week went by entirely too fast, if you ask me,” he noted, as we made our final approach to the villa.
“I agree,” I said. “I feel like we were just sitting in the car in our driveway, ready to come here.”
We made it to the door, and as Johnny put the key into the lock, he said, “Yeah, it feels like that was a lifetime ago. I think it’s because this week has been so busy with all the different things we were doing with everyone else.”
He opened the door and allowed me to step inside ahead of him. Once he closed it behind him, I found myself feeling especially nervous.
Should I do this now, or should I wait? Did I want to risk having something happen before the wedding?
Johnny and I were in the best place we’d been all week, so I wondered if I’d be taking too much of a risk by doing something drastic that could upset that peace we’d found.
Unfortunately, before I could figure out what the best thing to do was, Johnny spoke. And I realized he was probably feeling just as uncomfortable in this moment as I was. “Well, we’ve got a long and busy day tomorrow, so I guess I’ll see you in the morning.”
Like an idiot, I nodded and replied, “Okay.”
He started to move in the opposite direction, but stopped just before disappearing behind the bedroom door. “Goodnight, Kiera.”
He gave me a nod and a smile in return.
Just as he twisted the doorknob and pushed the door open, I panicked. “Johnny?”
I nervously bit my lip as my hands began to fidget. Concern marred his expression, and he let go of the door to turn fully toward me.
Finally, I worked up the courage and asked, “Do you really think we can fix this?”
His features softened as he moved in my direction. When he was just two or three feet away, he answered, “Yes, I do.”
My eyes searched his face, though I was unsure what exactly I was looking for. I didn’t say anything for so long, the silence stretching between us, that Johnny decided to close the remaining distance between us and speak again.
“Do you think we can fix this?” he asked.
“I don’t know,” I answered honestly.