Page 24 of Killian
I blink a few times, trying to ease the sting in my eyes enough to keep them open. I cry out as pain shoots through my arm when I try to move. Realising that I have a drip in my hand and there is a plaster cast on my left arm. I’m trying to sit up when the door opens and a man walks in, he’s wearing dark blue jeans and a dark blue shirt. He’s carrying a leather bag which he sits down on the bottom of the bed. He doesn’t look at me as he searches through it pulling out a blood pressure cuff and monitor. He walks over to me and pushes me back down onto the bed and wrapping the cuff around my right arm he holds me in place while he takes a reading.
“Wh… who are.” I swallow. My throat is so dry. I look around for a drink, but the guy holds out a cup of water in front of me. He helps me lift my head slightly and tips the cup to my lips letting me take a couple of small sips before placing the cup back onto the table.
“How are you feeling? Can you tell me your name?” He stands by the side of my bed, pulling at the bandage on my head.
“Who are you?” I ask him again, but he just shakes his head.
“I need you to tell me how you’re feeling, and can you tell me your name?”
“Bella and I feel like I was pushed down the stairs.” He raises one eyebrow and continues to check over my injuries. “Please tell me where I am. Who are you?”
“Someone will be around to talk to you soon. What I need for you to do is to stay in bed and rest. There are tablets on the side, you need to take one tablet every four hours. Please make sure you are drinking plenty of water and if you feel lightheaded or nauseous you need to let one of the guards know and they will call me.”
He doesn’t say anything else. Just grabs his stuff and leaves me here in this room, alone. I lie awake for several hours, too scared to sleep and too tired and sore to move. The longer I lie here alone the more afraid I suddenly feel. The tears start to fall, and before long I eventually cry myself back to sleep.
* * *
I’ve been here for four days now. I haven’t seen the guy I assumed was a doctor since that first time. There have been a couple of guards outside of my door, all day every day. They take turns bringing me food and water. Neither of them speak to me since one of them confirmed how long I had been here for. I’m relieved they no longer speak, they both terrify me.
I stare at the clock on the table. I know one of them is due soon with my food. I know I should probably wait and eat a little more before trying anything, but if I don’t try now I’ll go crazy. I can’t just sit around here and wait for someone to appear. Hearing footsteps in the hall I stand by the door. The moment he walks in with the tray of food I push him and bolt out the door. I hear him yell as I make my way down the corridor. My body isn’t moving as quickly as I would like it to, but I still have to try. I round a corner and find myself at the top of some stairs. Knowing I don’t have a choice I start down them but halfway down I realise I’m not getting out of here. The guy I pushed in my room with the food is hot on my heels and at the bottom of the stairs are three more guys. One walks to the bottom of the stairs blocking my escape as the others stand and watch. Figuring I have nothing to lose I launch myself at him knocking us both to the ground. I scramble to my feet, kicking his hand off my leg and making it to my feet. But I don’t make it far. One of the guys who was watching rushes at me, and I crash into the wall with such force my entire body trembles as I crumble into a heap on the floor. “Get the fuck off me. Let me go.” I scream as two of them pick me off the floor by my arms. They simply laugh as they drag me back to the room and throw me onto the floor.
* * *
Since my escape bid three days ago the men enter in threes. One walks into the room with the tray of food, while the other two stand by the door and watch me.
I’ve not actually eaten anything in the three days since. Partly because I refuse to eat and partly because I feel sick, they keep bringing me fucking tomato soup and I hate the stuff. Not eating anything is not really doing me any favours though. Since I won’t eat, they won’t let me sleep. Every time I drift off, they come in and shake me awake. A few hours ago, they came in and threw a bucket of cold water all over me and the bed. Then laughed as they left the room.
I’ve been sitting on this floor with my legs pulled up to my chest for the last five hours. I hate this. I rest my head on the tops of my knees. I can feel myself drifting off to sleep when I hear the key in the door. Not lifting my head, I hear several footsteps enter the room. I take a few deep breaths bracing myself for what’s to come. But after several minutes nothing. I know they are all in the room I can feel them, hear them breathing. I can’t take it anymore. I need to know what’s going on.
Lifting my head slowly I take in the men in front of me. There are six of them acting as a wall. They are all wearing the same dark jeans and tee’s. And they are all at least six feet tall and just as wide. I swallow, a wave of fear washing over me. I hear someone behind them clear their throat and they all smirk as they part in the middle, making a path for whoever is behind them. I shift my legs and wince as I push myself off the floor. I take my position in front of them, acting as if I’m not afraid when really I’m terrified of what’s to come. I take a step forward and gasp when I see who’s behind them.
I’m greeted by a wicked smile as I state, “It’s you? You’re behind this?”
Chapter 27
Not having Bella here makes it so much harder to sleep. I know she wanted some space, but I hate this. I pick up my phone to call her. I let out a sigh when it goes straight to voicemail again. I know she’s pissed at me, but I wish she would just talk to me, I need to hear her voice. Just once. I miss her.
Heading downstairs I grab my laptop and open the tracker app to check her location. Her phone isn’t active, but giving it went straight to voicemail my guess is she turned it off, so she doesn’t have to deal with me calling her all the time. This pisses me off, I get she needs it, but she knows how I feel about her turning off her phone. I switch the system checking the tracker in her keyring, I’m filled with relief when I see the little red dot flashing on the screen right where her apartment is. Knowing she won’t want me to just rock up I have some breakfast then jump in the shower.
Forty-five minutes later and I’m climbing into my car just as my phone rings. I quickly check the caller ID and seeing Connor’s name flash across the screen I hit the answer button.
“Hey, wh…”
“Kill, you need to get over to Bella’s right now, Somethings wrong.”
Starting the car, I pull out into traffic without even looking, I hear cars honking and breaks screeching but I don’t give a shit, I need to get over to hers right now. “What the fuck do you mean something’s wrong? What’s going on? Where’s Bella?”
“Brother, I know you’re freaking out right now, but I can hear you’re driving. I need you to be careful.”
“CONNOR. Fucking tell me what’s going on.”
I hear him sigh down the phone before diving into an explanation. “Maxim’s men turned up to do their switchover this morning, only when they got to her apartment her security team were dead and she was missing. Ronan and I are already headed over there now. We’ve left Finn at the club trying to pull the CCTV footage from her building.
“Kill, according to his men there was blood in the stairwell and her purse and its contents were scattered all over the floor.”
My stomach flips, and my heart starts to race. I can feel my body start to break out in a cold sweat as fear rips through me. I can’t believe this has happened. I knew I shouldn’t have let her go back to her place. I should have made her stay at ours or with one of the others. I knew this was going to happen. I slam my foot down onto the gas pedal and gun it toward her apartment, not giving a shit about the other cars around me.
A drive that should have taken me around forty-five minutes took me only twenty-five. How I didn’t crash I don’t know, but all I could think was that I needed to get here. I need to know what the fuck happened. Turning into her street my car screeches to a halt behind Connors, Maxim and his security team's cars. I don’t even bother shutting off the engine before racing over to the door to the building, pushing through the men standing around outside waiting for orders. Racing inside I crash into Maxim almost knocking him over.