Page 36 of Killian
“What?” He can’t be. How?” I ask confused my eyes roam the room, his men have their heads hung low. Yuri shakes his head and then looks away gathering himself.
Bella sobs and I reach for her, but Ronan pulls her into his arms, kissing the top of her head, telling her it’s ok. But I see her shake her head. “It was my fault.”
Yuri steps toward her, placing his hand on her back, “not your fault.” He tells her.
She turns trying to pull out of Ronan’s arms, but he holds her tighter until Finn steps in for a hug. She cries into his chest, and he tries to soothe her. I want to be the one to calm her, but she’s just as much their family as she is mine. They all need a minute with her knowing we have her back.
“He died, saving my life. Of course it’s my fault.”
Yuri laughs, “you people were just as much family to Maxim as we were. Sure, he was here to help save you, but his death is not on you. We believe in our own fate. He was destined to die today no matter where he was. So, his death is not on you. But he died doing something worthy. Remember him for that. We need to gather up our dead. We’ll clean up here and ensure the Irish get their guy home. Bella has several injuries including a stab wound to her side. Our doc did a quick patch-up on-site but he will want to treat her injuries and make sure that her wound is clean and secure. He’ll accompany you home until you can get your own doctor to take a look at her.”
I move over to Bella pulling up her top. I suck in a breath, Finn lets out a whistle as Connor and Ronan move to get a better look. Her entire side is covered in bruises, some old some new. But she has a bandage on her left side. No wonder she was uncomfortable when I grabbed her earlier.
“Why the hell didn’t you tell me?” I bite out at her.
“Brother.” Ronan reprimands me.
“Because I’ve been patched up and this isn’t the place to discuss my injuries. Doc said the wound isn’t deep and that it should heal with minimal scarring. I’m ok baby, I really am.”
“I’m sorry.” I pull her back into me pulling her face up to mine kissing her gently making sure not to aggravate the bruises on her face.
I reluctantly break out of the kiss and turn back to Yuri.
“We have secured Liam, we’ll arrange to have him transferred back to your warehouse. His father is dead, that is a story your woman will share. And… once again Bella I am sorry. But her father is also dead. Killed by one of our men.”
My woman walks over to Yuri and places a kiss on the side of his cheek. He blushes and quickly looks over to me judging my reaction. I give him a small nod letting him know that all is well. He has nothing to fear from me.
“Thank you. If your guys hadn’t killed him, I’m afraid my family here would have. You saved them from taking that step.” She walks back over to me and wraps her arms around my waist. She winces as she reaches up placing a kiss on my lips then tucking herself into my chest.
“Take me home baby.”
“With pleasure Mo Chroí.”
Chapter 40
We’ve been home for forty-eight hours and Killian has not left my side. None of the brothers have. Maxim’s doctor did a full check-up and cleared me on the flight but when we got back Killian made his doctor do another one. He said he wanted to be one hundred per cent sure that I was ok.
He asked me on the flight where I wanted to go when we got back, now that they believe the threat to our lives has been secured the brothers said it was safe for us to all go home. But I said I wanted to be around my family. That I just needed to be with them for a little while. So, we all came back to Mary’s. The house is full to the brim with us all, but none of us have left.
Nobody has asked me any questions or pushed for any answers, but I can feel them all watching my every move. Waiting for me to I don’t know break maybe. I know they want to know; I know that Killian wants to talk to me, but I’m not ready. I just need to get the last few weeks clear in my head before I start sharing information with them. I won’t keep anything from them, I’ll tell them the truth, I’ll tell them everything. But I don’t want them to have to worry about me when I do start sharing it.
I barely sleep, every time I drift off the nightmares start. They are always the same, being trapped, and then my dad walks in. I wake up at the same point every time. The moment my dad points a gun at me, I wake with a fright as he pulls the trigger. The first few times it happened; Killian was by my side before I’d even had a chance to fully come around from the nightmares. When he realised that I wasn’t going to talk to him about what was waking me, he’d just sit with me soothing me until I settled. We both soon figured out that I slept better when I was in his arms. So, without fail every single night he rests against the headboard and I curl into him drifting off within minutes. I know he doesn’t sleep though. I know he lies awake all night every night watching me sleep.
I know that they can’t stay here forever. They have Liam secured at the warehouse, Seamus and his men are there watching over him until Killian and his brothers are ready to head there. I know they need to deal with him soon. But I also know that Killian won’t leave me until he’s sure that I’m ok. He won’t leave until he’s happy that I’m not in my own head. And his brothers, well they won’t leave to deal with Liam without him.
I’ve been sitting in his arms on this sofa with my family around me for the last two hours. Being here but not really listening to what they are saying. I feel safe and comforted knowing that they are around me. RJ is sat on Killian’s knee curled into his chest. His small hand resting on my arm. This little boy has a soft spot for Killian. Since we’ve been back, he’s followed him around. I tilt my head to look down at RJ, his eyes raise, and his lips curl up giving me an unfiltered smile.
“Hey baby.” I look up at my man.
“We should talk.”
“You want to talk now? Do you want to go upstairs?”
The entire room has gone quiet. I know they want to hear this too and I don’t want to have to repeat any of it, so I shake my head. “No. If everyone is ok with hearing it, then I’m ok sharing it.”