Page 41 of Killian
He places his hands on my shoulders and Connor and Finn stand beside him, their eyes focussed one mine. “Time for you to let your demon out to play.”
I swallow shaking my head. I can’t. “No.”
“I said no Killian. I can’t do this. I will lose myself if I do this. This is your show, yours Connors & Finn’s. I’ll take a back seat. I’m good.”
Finn tsks, shaking his head he walks over to the table with all of our weapons on and pushes some aside. Giving him enough room to park his arse and take a seat. He shrugs, then swings his legs back and forth. Picking up a blade, he begins to clean his nails, then looks up at me. “I’ve had my revenge Ro. I’m ready for a new kind of show.” He gives me a cocky smirk and a wink then continues to clean his nails with the tip of the blade.
Connor chuckles, slapping me on the arm then walks over to the chair next to Finn, he spins it then straddles it. He grabs a bottle of water taking a large drink then looks over at me. “I’ve had my fun. I’m done. You’re up Ronan.” He leans forward and crosses his arms around the back of the chair and waits patiently.
“Ro, look at me.” My eyes move to Killian’s, his chocolate-coloured eyes seem brighter this morning, brighter than they have done for a long time.
“It’s your turn…”
“Kill…” He squeezes my shoulder, shaking his head at the same time stopping me from what I was about to say.
“Here me out. We did our damage yesterday, and then again, this morning. Look at him. Just look.” My eyes find Liam his body as mass of blood and bruises, his eyes so swollen they are just two tiny slits. He no longer looks like himself. I slowly move my eyes back to Killian.
“You need this more than we do, you have more right to do this than we do.”
I swallow, looking around at my brothers. They are watching me, waiting for me to decide what move I’m going to make. But I don’t know what to do. I don’t know if I can handle this.
“I don’t.” I walk over to the table where Finn and Connor are sat. “I don’t have any more right than you do. You all have just as much right to hurt him.”
Connor and Finn both shake their heads at me. Finn laughs then reaches for a knife holding it out to me. I stare at the knife, trying to decide if I should take it, but Killian beats me to it. He plucks it from Finn’s hand then guides me to stand in front of Liam.
“We’ve all lost people, we’ve all lost the same people. But you brother, you lost more than we did. We know how close you and Rory were. We watched you almost lose yourself in your search for revenge. I understand that you’re not that same person you were back then. I know you’re learning to live without him. But if you had come across Liam back then you would have taken him out without question. We appreciate it, you giving us our time, but now it’s your time. Now you get your revenge. Ro, it’s time you got closure, it’s time you got the peace you so desperately seek.”
I grab the knife by the blade, flipping it in the air then catching it by the handle. I see Killian give a small smile. But it drops when I take a step back.
He questions, as I vigorously shake my head from side to side, taking another step back. “I don’t want to lose myself Kill, I can’t do this.” I hear Finn jump from the table, and Connors chair scrape along the floor as they both make their way over to me. Kill stands behind me as Connor and Finn take their places beside me.
Killian places a hand on my shoulder then leans forward. “I promise, you won’t lose yourself. We are right behind you. We’ll be with you; we’ll pull you back when we need to…”
“What if you can’t? What if I’m too far gone. If I let my demon free, I don’t’ think he’ll rest again. The darkness will consume me, I won’t be able to control it. You won’t be able to pull me back…”
“Maybe not. But I can.” I spin to face her, standing in the doorway, the light behind her streaming through the door giving her a glow.
“Mo Ghrá?” I step toward her as she takes a step toward me. “What the hell are you doing here? You can’t be here.”
“Shhh. Breathe.” She places a hand on my face, and I feel like I can breathe again. Leaning up she places a kiss on my lips then pulls back smiles. “You need to do this Ronan. This is how you finally get your peace. This is how we let Rory rest.” She places a hand on my heart. “Take your time, if your brothers can’t bring you back then they’ll come and get me…”
“I don’t want you here, I don’t want you anywhere near this. You can’t see what happens in here…”
“Stop. Stop trying to protect me. I’m not stupid Ronan and I’m not naïve I know what you’re capable of. So, get your ass back over there and get your revenge. And if you need me, I’ll be right outside this door.” She places another kiss on my lips, gives me a smile then turns and leaves. Closing the door behind her. I turn to face my brothers to yell at them. But when I look at them, all I see is love. I see the pride in their eyes.
Connor and Finn resume their places by the table when Killian stands at my side. He gives me a nod then holds Liam up, pushing his back against the back rest. I drop to my knees, placing one hand on Liam’s bare bruised chest.
I glance over at my baby brother, “Finn, make sure that drill is charged.” An evil grin spreads across his face as he reaches for the drill and a spare battery. Turning back to Liam, I press the tip of the blade into his chest, dragging it down in a straight line. Blood runs from the wound as I rip through his skin.
Killian holds Liam upright, as he sobs with every mark the blade of my knife makes. Finally done, I take a step back and smile. “The remainder of your life might be short, but you’ll bare the names of those you’ve betrayed the most.”