Page 24 of Take It on Faith
Catalina cut her eyes at him. “So, this was a decision that you two made together?” Her eyes found mine.
I nodded, and Jeremiah frowned.
Catalina shook her head and sighed.
* * *
“Mother, please stop worrying the dinner napkins. They look fine.”
She ignored me and flipped the napkin over once more. “The governor will be here,” she said. “And the Abernathys.”
“What do they do again?”
“They’re agents for several major bands. How do you not know this?”
“I work at a law firm that does tax law, Mother. How would I know this?”
“You like that one band. The wild one. What are they called?”
“The Leroys?” I suppressed an eye roll so hard that my eyes watered. “They’re not exactly wild, Mother.”
“The singer’s hair is pink!”
“She has a few streaks of pink; the rest is natural-colored. And that’s what makes them wild?”
“You watch your tone, Alicia Jones.” My mother faced me directly and I felt my spine shrink. “You may be an adult, but I will not tolerate disrespect.”
“Yes, ma’am,” I mumbled.
“Good.” She turned back to the table. “You might want to get dressed.” She sniffed delicately. “Maybe take a shower first.”
“On it.” I took a deep breath and weaved my way through the tables. They were set precariously on the lawn because “Heaven knows we paid enough money to have all of this landscaping done,” as Father put it. Yes, I could hear Andrew saying all of those years ago. Heaven knows.
“Wow, Ace, shower much?”
I spun just as I heard a murmured laugh behind me. Only one person could sneak up on me in the middle of the afternoon.
“You’re here,” I said. My heart beat fast with annoyance, delight, and desire in equal measure. I slapped his shoulder. “And unlike some people, physical labor does make me sweat. But maybe you don’t know anything about that.”
“I think I’m in great shape, thanks,” Andrew replied. He kissed his sleeved bicep and turned out his fist to the side. “Though I’m sure I’m nothing in comparison to your muscle-head fiancé.”
“Listen, I’mma need you to cut that shit out, Parker.” I rested my clenched fists on my hips. “You haven’t even met him. Maybe you two will end up in a bromance.”
“Not likely.” Andrew relaxed his pose. “Anyone who thinks it’s a good idea for you to rot in this town is no friend of mine.” His eyes roved my face. “You weren’t meant to stay here, Ace. Don’t forget that.”
For a moment, I couldn’t look away from his cherry-wood-colored eyes. As my breath accelerated, the rest of the world fell away. Andrew had been the former oasis for my heart, and it was hard to forget that. To forget him and the impact he had on me. His hand came up to rest lightly on my shoulder and he squeezed gently. I sucked in a breath, almost dying as memories and his scent flooded my nose. I never could forget how he always smelled like bonfire smoke.
“Of course, you found Alicia,” Catalina said behind me. Andrew dropped his hand and I snapped to attention.
I shook my head as Catalina’s tone registered in my brain. She sounded like she caught us doing something, which made me balk. For fuck’s sake, I’m marrying Michael!
But I wonder what would’ve happened if I wasn’t.
“Do you need something?” I asked sweetly, turning toward her. Her smile was equally saccharine.
“I could ask you the same thing.” She raised an eyebrow. Andrew’s eyes swiveled back and forth between us, his brow furrowed.
Catalina wrapped her tiny arm around my shoulders, whisking me away from Andrew. She sniffed delicately, matching my mother from minutes earlier.