Page 61 of Take It on Faith
“Not a chance.”
“Hand it over.”
“I will guard it with my life.”
“Alicia Jones.”
Inwardly, I shivered at the command in his voice. My alter ego, Ace, was ready to do anything he wanted when he used that voice on me.
Outwardly, I smirked. “Nope.”
“Not gonna give it up so easily, huh.” Andrew’s eyes lit with mischief, and I knew I was in for it. “That can be resolved.”
He stuck both of his forefingers in my armpits.
“Not fair!” I shrieked. He wiggled his fingers with little sign of stopping, but I kept a tight hold on the notebook. “You shouldn’t be able to use my weaknesses against me, so close to the last time.”
“Isn’t that the point of knowing someone’s weaknesses? To utilize them?” The tickling intensified. “Hand it over.”
“You heard me!”
“So you want this to continue for the rest of our trip, then?”
I looked at him, accusation bright in my eyes and cheeks. “You wouldn’t.”
“I would.”
“Timeout, timeout. Let’s discuss our terms.” Andrew stopped tickling, and I held the notebook behind me as I looked at him defiantly. “What do I get in return for giving this back?”
He raised an eyebrow. “Do you really think you have the ability to bargain in this?” he asked. “I hold all the chips. All you have is a notebook—which I can easily get back from you. What’s in it for me?”
“My friendship.” I smirked. “And I will continue to keep all of your deepest, darkest secrets.”
“What secrets?”
“That thing that you told me about third grade.” His face remained blank. “And your first crush.”
Understanding set a fire ablaze in his eyes. “You wouldn’t.”
“I would.” I wiggled the notebook in between us. “What do I get in return for my silence?”
Andrew sighed and rolled his eyes. “It’s my writing notebook,” he said finally. “I’m working on the novel.”
I raised my eyebrows. “Yeah?” I asked. “You figured out the love scene?”
He shrugged. “Yeah.”
“So what happens?”
“The main character falls in love with a girl he knows is unattainable.” He moved closer and reached for the notebook. Gently, he pried it loose from my hand but stayed close. His eyes were fastened to my lips, making my mouth tingle at the possibility. I could imagine it now: Andrew pinning me up against the wall, running his hands down my sides, squeezing my hips, murmuring his approval at my curves. His kisses would rain down my neck, just a whisper of his tongue to my skin as I clutched his arms. He would nuzzle me at the base of my neck, right at the collarbone. My heart would race in anticipation of what could come next; the world would stop spinning on its axis as he tracked my breath passing through my lips, tasting my skin, gently biting the soft lobe of my ear. And then finally, finally, his mouth would consume mine. Possess it.
My heart, finally slowing down after being tickled, picked up its rhythm again at the possibility of being kissed like I was revered. My watch beeped, but I ignored it. “She’s getting married, but he’s been captivated by her since they were younger. It was never the right time for them. Until now.”
“Oh?” I said, my voice muddled with panic and unexplainable longing. “Why now? After all those years?”