Page 23 of Alien Step-Brother
And my world shattered around me.
Chapter 16
It was too late to stop my climax at that point. All the wonderful building sensations crested through my body, sending me head over heels into a limb quaking, trembling world of dazzling relief.
Alek’s head whipped over his shoulder, hissing through his teeth even as his cock pulsed inside of me. I gushed around his length as his seed filled me, full to bursting. A shudder rolled through his body as he angled himself, shielding me from view.
My hands scrambled over Alek’s shoulders to hold myself upright when he dropped my legs. We remained awkwardly locked together thanks to his knot, and he braced his hands on the wall on either side of me, claws scraping against the glossy surface.
“Get the fuck off of my daughter, you bastard!” Hector Ramos barged further into the room, bellowing at the top of his lungs.
“Don’t!” I shouted, tossing up my hand as if that might keep him at bay. “Just get out of here!”
The low rumbling in Alekkon’s chest grew louder, rising into a body shaking growl. In rut, he was entirely feral and possessive, and Hector was a blazing threat to a newly claimed life-mate. The mortifying situation was seconds away from becoming a massive problem.
“What? You want me to leave you here with him?” Dad ran his hands through his hair, glancing up and down at Alek caging me against the wall. Distress lined his features more than his age did.
“Get out!” I shrieked again, hoping that he’d listen to the plea in my voice.
Dad did the unthinkable, as if he’d lost all his sense in his rage. He charged forward, fists raised. “I can’t believe I trusted you with my baby girl!” His first hit slammed down, striking Alek in the shoulder. “Get off my daughter before I have you strung up on the bridge!”
“She’s mine!” Alek snapped back, baring his teeth. His tail thrashed like a cracking whip and murderous red infiltrated his eyes.
Dad pounded his fist on his chest. “You have no claim to her, you bastard. She is my daughter!”
“Dad, get out of here!”
He ignored me and charged again, sounding more brutish and enraged than I’d ever heard him before. Angrier than when he returned to Earth and found Mom’s things missing from the house. And more enraged than when he caught me kissing my first boyfriend in high school.
“She’s mystellarum,” Alek snarled seconds before Dad crashed into his back.
Dad’s weight knocked into Alek’s backside. A sound of pain cracked through Alek’s lips from the force hitting his shoulder. The momentum sent our entangled bodies sailing toward the floor, and the spaceship’s manufactured gravity was all too eager to pull us down.
Alek curled his arms protectively around me, guarding me from the brunt of the fall. A grunt escaped my lips as we hit the ground. The heated, heavy weight on my chest prevented me from drawing a lungful of air after being partially crushed.
“She’s supposed to be your sister, you bastard. I trusted you with her! How dare you betray me and befoul her like this, you disgusting prick!” My dad’s attack didn’t stop there. He lunged for Alek once more, this time latching onto his shoulders and jerking him as if to remove his body from mine—it worked.
Searing, sharp needles of pain lanced through me, centered between my thighs as Alek’s knot ripped from my body. A scream of agony burst through my lips at the tearing sensation in my oversensitive center.
Pure, primal, animal rage jolted through Alek, seizing control of his right mind. He popped up to his feet and spun around on his heel, perfectly balanced thanks to his steady tail. Under the low light, with his horns gleaming and fangs bared, he appeared ferocious and bestial, but utterly gorgeous.
“She is mine until I cease to draw breath or the last star fades from the universe. Nothing you say or do can keep us apart!”
In that moment my heart lurched, not because of the ache in my core, but because I knew that Alek would do anything for me—hisstellarum. He’d go to the ends of the galaxy to have me, guide me, protect me. Although it was his rut spurring on the fight, I didn’t doubt he’d react the same regardless—he was Dragaken, and he wasmine.
Without warning Alek coiled, every muscle in his toned body tensing and flexing, tail wildly sweeping along the floor. Then he sprung like a silver dart, and his aim was true. His tight fist met with dad’s eye before Hector had a chance to even consider dodging.
Dad went reeling back, stumbling toward the couch. His hand shot up to cover his struck eye and a sound of suffering was dragged out of him. The back of his legs knocked into the couch, and he went flailing into the conversation pit, crash landing on the white cushions.
Alek stalked forward, naked, glorious, and ready to strike again if necessary. His fists unfurled and curled again until his knuckles were bone white, and his tail cracked through the air as he prowled forward on silent feet.
A gush escaped my lower lips; an uncomfortable sensation like a ketchup packet bursting when stepped on. I glanced down between my shaking legs and saw a river of pinkish-red staining the creamy white fluids leaking out of me, pooling on the floor. Another throb of pain rocked through me, and my hand shot down to cover my injured folds.
“Alek,” I whimpered.
He whipped around at breakneck speed, eyes going wide and gold when they locked onto my pitiful state on the floor. His features melted, softening with worry.
“Nova,” he vented my name, voice thin with his concern.