Page 8 of Alien Step-Brother
Khalla rose from her seat, and Dad followed suit. She nodded at her son, then to me. “I’m so glad you could join us.”
“Thanks. I’m sorry if we’re late,” I stuttered.
“Not at all,” she waved off my worry, and smiled kindly. “I’m always early.”
“Always,” Dad affirmed with a chuckle.
I released the breath I’d been holding. Until Alekkon inserted himself between me and the table on my last step, and I sharply inhaled through my nostrils.
“Allow me.” His tone dipped when he reached for the back of my chair. He locked eyes with me, holding that stare while pulling the seat out for me.
“Oh, thank you.” Pink crept up my neck and infiltrated my cheeks. I swallowed hard, trying not to inhale his scent.
Alek pushed the chair in as I sat down, and his fingers brushed the back of my neck. A shiver raced down my spine, and my jaw clenched.I stayed stiff until he seated himself beside me.
Dad and Khalla returned to their seats. The senator spoke first, providing a welcome distraction from the smirking Dragaken at my side.
“How is the room situation?” she asked.
“Fine, so far. I figure I’ll sleep on the couch since it’s so big,” I replied, hoping that the answer might sway Alek away from any devious plans.
“I must insist you take the bed, Ms. Ramos. I’d prefer to take the couch,” Alek contended.
“What a gentleman,” Dad proclaimed, gesturing at Alek.
“I’d expect no less,” Khalla said with an affirming nod.
I stomped down the urge to roll my eyes at Alek’s false, innocent smile.
“So, Nova, tell me more about yourself. What do you do for work?” Khalla dove into polite conversation.
“I do web design—” Something swished over my ankle, cutting me off. My eyes flared and my breath caught in my throat when that warmth smoothed up the inside of my calf.
Dad jumped in without noticing my expression. “My daughter is a certified genius. She graduated high school early, got a full scholarship to MIT, and got her master’s degree in the blink of an eye.”
The cloth obstructed what was happening under the table, but I knew with certainty that Alek’s tail moved along the inside of my leg.
“Impressive, Ms. Ramos,” Alek stated, voice far too gruff.
I restrained myself from flinching when the tip of his tail snaked over my knee and slipped under the hem of my dress.
“She is!” Then Dad sighed, “I only wished I hadn’t been on rotation during her graduation.”
“It’s alright that you weren’t there in person, Dad. You attended through video, and that’s what mattered,” I reassured through a stiff jaw. Under the table, my fingers clutched my chair armrests as if my life depended on it.
“How brilliant,” Khalla nodded, seemingly in approval.
I supposed it was a good thing to please the Senator, at least.
Alekkon’s tail whisked over my knee, inching higher inside of my thigh. The sensation aroused a wanton pulse in my core that echoed hot and heavy in the pit of my stomach.
A server wove through the room, making their way to our table. Their arrival ended the trailing conversation while they took our dinner and drink orders.
Alek’s tail flicked between my thighs, teasing my skin with a delicate touch. All the while, he maintained a casual conversation with our parents, as if he wasn’t nearing my soaked underwear.
What was he doing? And why wasn’t I stopping him?
I should have squeezed my thighs together and hindered him from going any further. But electric tension spread over my skin and desire cascaded through me.