Page 17 of Seren
Something on my desk caught my eye. The keychain with the crystal ruby on it. Why were the Jeep’s keys in my room? Had Grace been in here? I glanced around half expecting her to still be there. I picked up the keys and saw that a piece of paper lay beneath them. Words scrolled in girl’s handwriting read:Thanks so much for your kindness. I left a small token of my appreciation in the bathroom for you. -The Help
My eyes narrowed as I ventured into the bathroom, immediately spotting my box of condoms on the counter. As I moved closer, I noticed another note with an open safety pin on top of it.Choose wisely…
I stared down at the safety pin unsure if I was amused that she was funnier than I expected or if I was pissed that she thought she could get to me that easily.
She wasn’t in Coopersville anymore. And it seemed like she needed a reminder of that because she obviously didn’t know who she was messing with.
I woke with a jolt, turning my head on the pillow and grabbing my phone. 4:58.Shit! I jumped up, grabbing my uniform from my chair, but something shiny caught my eye on the corner of my desk.My ring! I grabbed it, tightening it in my palm and holding it as if it would somehow disappear again if I let it go. It hadn’t been there when I’d fallen asleep. I would have seen it. IknowI would have seen it.
I opened my hand and checked the inside of the ring to be sure it was mine.My Girlwas engraved in script. A moment of nostalgia washed over me. A moment of peace. A moment of sadness. I’d been trying to occupy my mind with anything but thoughts of my dad. I knew it’s what I needed to do to move on. I wasn’t trying to forget him. Far from it. I was trying to survive this trauma, and dwelling on something I couldn’t change was not healthy.
I slipped the ring back onto my finger where it belonged, promising myself I’d never take it off again. It hadn’t been there when I’d searched high and low for it. And, it hadn’t been there when I’d fallen asleep. My mom must’ve found it and placed it there for me to see when I woke up. The elation of having my ring back almost made me forget I needed to get to work.
“You’re late,” Chef said as I dashed inside the kitchen. “That’s unacceptable.”
“I’m so sorry. I fell asleep.”
He huffed. “I’ve got something I need you to do tonight.”
“What?” I asked.
“Janette’s sick. I need you to serve the food.”
“Serve the food?” I repeated.
“Someone needs to,” he said.
Inwardly, I cringed knowing I’d have to face Seren.
Chef pointed to a tray that held four bowls of soup on the far end of the center island. “Start with the soup.”
“Just so you know, I’ve never been a waitress,” I explained.
“Then don’t carry the tray. Just carry two bowls out at a time.”
I could handle that. I picked up two bowls and used my butt to push open the swinging door. Maureen and the boys sat around the dining room table, each on their own side. I could feel their eyes on me as I entered, but I kept my eyes down and moved to Maureen. “Excuse me,” I said as I placed the soup carefully down in front of her, spilling a tiny bit on the table cloth.
“Where’s Janette?” she asked.
“Not feeling well,” I explained as I moved to Sawyer to her left and placed a bowl in front of him.
“Thanks, Grace,” he said.
Back in the kitchen, I grabbed the other two bowls. My hands began to shake slightly as I carried them into the dining room. Saint said nothing as I placed his bowl down, and then I moved to Seren at the opposite end of the table from Maureen.
As I placed the bowl down in front of him, he whispered, “Nice ring.”
Why was he complimenting my ring? Unless…
I stumbled back, unable to believe I hadn’t considered it before. Had Seren taken my ring? I hurried back to the kitchen, dragging in a few deep breaths.
“Everything okay?” Chef asked.