Page 52 of Seren
“Just drove around,” I said.
“What’s it to you?”
“Not me. Kiki. She was all up in your business at Fiona’s party,” he explained.
“Fuck her.”
“Dude, you’ve already done that. Now she thinks she’s entitled to all things you.”
Sawyer appeared with the football and a car following him up the driveway.
Saint and I squinted, trying to see who drove the old Honda. No one we knew owned a car older than their last birthday.
“Found these two lurking outside the gate,” Sawyer explained as he directed the car to park in front of the last garage door.
Two girls stepped out. A leggy blonde held a bunch of pink and silver balloons and the one with black hair held a cake box. Both of them ogled us, giggling as they did.
“They’re looking for Grace,” Sawyer explained. “Turns out it’s her birthday.”
What the hell? Why hadn’t she mentioned it?
“I’ll go get her,” I said, turning before anyone could follow me. I trekked into the house and down to the dungeon. I banged on her apartment door until it opened. I was about to ream her out for not telling me it was her birthday when I found her mother staring back at me.
“Can I help you, Seren?” she asked, clearly confused by my presence down there—especially all sweaty and shirtless. As far as she was concerned, I would never step foot down in the basement. It was beneath me.
“Grace’s friends are here,” I explained.
“Friends?” she asked.
“Two girls with balloons and a cake. I told them I’d get her.”
She seemed annoyed by the notion of Grace getting visitors. But this was her home now. Why shouldn’t she? “I’ll send her up in a minute.”
I nodded as she closed the door on me. I waited just inside the stairwell that led from the dungeon to the main floor. I heard footsteps a couple of minutes later, and Grace stepped into the stairwell. She yelped as I stepped in front of her and caged her against the wall.
She stared up at me, confused by my sudden appearance. “Hi,” she said.
“Happy Birthday.”
She smiled, ready to respond when I captured her mouth with my own. Her lips tasted like cherry lip gloss. I wanted to get lost in the kiss, but I was pissed she hadn’t told me it was her birthday—not to mention jealous her friends got to spend her birthday with her.
I pulled out of the kiss first. “You should have told me.”
“It’s not until Tuesday, and it’s no big deal,” she said, all breathless.
“You’ll be legal. Of course, it’s a big deal. Now we can have some real fun and I won’t get arrested.”
“Oh, my God.” She shook her head and rolled her eyes at the same time, likely not expecting my frankness. “My mom said I had visitors.You’rethe visitor?”
“No. Your friends are here.”
Her face lit up, and I wished my presence elicited the same type of excitement. “Really?”
I motioned with my head toward the stairs. We climbed them to the main floor, and she rushed outside. As soon as she did, her friends shrieked and ran toward her. I moved away as the three of them hugged and jumped around. I’d never seen Grace so happy about anything before. I’d wasted a lot of time wanting to see her unhappy. This was a lot more enjoyable.
“Why didn’t you call me?” she asked as they released her.