Page 78 of Seren
He smiled, and I liked knowing my words caused that reaction in him.
“Why do you likeme?” I asked again, not letting him off the hook so easily.
He didn’t hesitate. “Because when I’m with you, I don’t feel so broken.”
I swear to God part of my heart shattered into tiny pieces at his words. Not because they hurt, but because they were the truth. He felt broken because he was angry. Because no one believed him. Because no one else understood him.
“When you’re around,” he continued. “People’s expectations of me and my own anger just drop away.”
If I could’ve fallen into a pile of useless goo, I would’ve. His words broke me—in the best possible way.
We finished dancing to the song and when a new one began, Seren took my hand. “Come on,” he said, his head ticking toward the tree steps. I slipped off my heels and handed them to Seren who held them as I tried to navigate the plank steps in a dress. I glanced down at him standing behind me. “Don’t look up my dress.”
He chuckled. “Try and stop me.”
I rolled my eyes and climbed the rest of the way up. I froze once I stood inside, my eyes taking in the pillows covering the floor. Flickering candles were placed all around the bench seats giving off a beautiful soft white glow. I glanced over at Seren who stepped up beside me. A small smile pulled up one side of his mouth. He knew what I was thinking. “This is…”
“For you,” he said.
I faced him, my head tipping to one side. “Thank you.”
“You should have been in Coopersville. You should have had your own prom. I hope this is enough.”
Balloons and a ring on my birthday. A private movie showing. A chance to interact with dolphins. A prom just for me. Was I becoming Maureen? Was I being swept up in this fairy tale Seren was creating for me? If I was, I never wanted it to end. “It’s more than enough.”
He wrapped me in his arms and kissed the top of my head. We stood like that for a long time. I waited for him to say something, but he didn’t. Was he waiting on me? Was he confused about how to proceed? Had he not thought that far ahead?
Another song began and Seren began to move us slowly to the music. I didn’t want to feel as safe in his arms as I did. I didn’t want to believe that this was supposed to happen. I didn’t want to think that the two of us—from such different worlds—just fit. But we did.
Seren pulled back just enough to see my face, but he said nothing as his eyes drifted over my features.
“What?” I asked.
He shook his head. “I’m just happy I get you all to myself. I never would’ve made it through the whole night with you looking so beautiful in a room full of jealous guys.”
“And jealous girls,” I added. “They would’ve been shooting me death glares all night with you looking this hot.”
He chuckled.
“Don’t stop.”
His brows inverted.
“Laughing. I love when you laugh.”
“Youmake me laugh.”
I gestured with my hand as if to bow.
His face sobered and his lips puckered in contemplation. “It sucks that I’m leaving for Alabama soon.”
“To be college football’s best quarterback,” I added.
I expected him to smile and say something smug, but he didn’t. “I was so excited to go. You know, to get the hell away from this place. But now, this place is looking a lot better.”
“I’m leaving right after you, you know?”
“Can I talk you into going to Alabama instead?” he asked.