Page 2 of All Your Tomorrows
“Nora, I’m heading out.” Daci stepped out from the back room. I expected her to apologize for interrupting—like she hadn’t set me up. But she didn’t. “You taking a break?” she asked showing no indication that she recognized Kyler.
“Just for a minute,” I said, trying to read the room.
“You better come in on Monday with some stories about your weekend. Stories involvinghotguys,” she said.
I laughed nervously. I couldn’t believe she’d say something like that when a totally hot guy was seated right across from me.
She grabbed her keys from the cash register and moved to the door. The bell chimed as she pulled open the door. “See you Monday.” And then she was gone.
That’s when a cold chill rushed up the back of my neck, and my shoulders fell lax. My eyes shot back to Kyler. “How long have you been dead?”
“Excuse me?” Kyler asked.
“Why didn’t I know? I should’ve known. When you came in, the bell on the door didn’t ring. There were no footsteps. And then Daci didn’t see you.” I dropped my forehead into my palm. I’d been so distracted by his good looks, I’d been completely off my game.
“Are you okay?” Kyler asked.
I sighed as I let my hand fall. “Sorry. This isn’t supposed to be about me. What can I do for you?”
“I have no idea.”
I tipped my head to the side, taking in his lips which were slightly turned up in the corners even though he wasn’t smiling. “But you came to me.”
“I heard you could help,” he said.
“I have to know what I’m helping with,” I explained.
He looked down at himself, his dark hair falling over his forehead as he did. “Why am I like this?”
“Like what?”
“Here…but not here,” he explained.
I lowered my voice, trying to tread gently. They didn’t all understand how it worked—hell I didn’t always understand how it worked. “Because you died,” I explained. “Do you know how it happened?”
He shook his head.
My lips twisted regrettably. It always sucked when they didn’t remember. I considered my next question carefully, realizing if he didn’t know how he died, he likely wasn’t keen on the idea that he was indeed dead.
“I find myself walking around town. Visiting places I used to visit. But no one can see me. Not one person. Until you.”
“I’m a medium.”
“Yeah, I overheard someone saying you see ghosts.”
“Spirits,” I corrected him. “And only when I allow it. That’s why you surprised me. I didn’t open my mind to it—at least I thought I didn’t.” I shrugged. “Anyway, spirits come to me in all different ways. Some I hear. Some show me visions in my head. But you. You’re clear as day. The weird thing is you don’t have that almost-glow that lets me know you’re not actually real.”
“I feel real,” he said. “Until I speak and no one responds.”
“I’m sorry. That’s got to be awful. How long has it been going on?”
His eyes drifted up as if he needed to think about his answer. “Too long.”
I pulled my phone from my apron pocket and called up a search. “What’s your last name?”