Page 25 of All Your Tomorrows
He buried his hands in his hoodie pocket, and I could sense there was something he wanted to say. “Do you think you could do a reading for my mom?” he asked.
“She’d have to be willing to let me, and right now she doesn’t trust me,” I said.
“But maybe if you tell her about me, she’ll…”
“She’ll what?”
“Realize I’m still here,” he said.
The notion hung heavy in the night.
Washe really still there?
* * *
After showering and slipping on my pajamas, I cooked up a cup of noodles and joined Kyler in the living room. I sat on the loveseat, crossing my legs beneath me. “I’d offer you some, but you know,” I said.
“Appreciate the thought,” he said from the sofa.
I took a bite, careful not to dribble the broth down my chin.
“The redhead in the café today—”
“You saw that?” I asked.
“Yeah. You were a total badass sending her away like you did. That was the friend you mentioned?” he asked.
“Ex-friend,” I clarified. “And, apparently, she and my ex just broke up.”
“Who cares? He’s a prick.”
I laughed. “True story.”
“So, why’d she show up at the café?”
“She’s lost her ever-loving mind?” I shrugged. “I don’t usually hold grudges, but what they did was unforgivable. And to think I almost gave up my virgin—” I froze, realizing what I’d just admitted. I wanted to facepalm right there and then. “I know what you’re thinking.”
“You may be a medium, but you have no idea what I’m thinking,” he assured me.
“Of course, I do. You’re thinking it’s obvious why he cheated. I made him wait. I wouldn’t give it up. It was all my fault.”
“Whoa. Hold up. Yes, I’m surprised you’re a virgin because you’re hot as hell and cool as shit. But I’d never say it was your fault. He knew the score. If he was tired of waiting for you, he should’ve broken up with you. Not fucked around on you.”
“We were together a year.”
“So, most guys wouldn’t wait that long,” I said.
“He didn’t wait that long,” he said. “Please don’t tell me you’ve been beating yourself up over this.”
I shrugged. “Not beating myself up, just aware of his reason.”
“The only reason he cheated was because he was horny, and your friend—and whoever else he cheated with—gave it up.Youdidn’t make him cheat.”
I stared into my cup of noodles to avoid eye contact. I felt vulnerable and I didn’t know what to do with that.
“Can I ask you something?” he said.