Page 40 of All Your Tomorrows
Her head whipped around as she pushed herself to a sitting position. “Where is he?”
“On the sofa,” I explained.
He stared at me on the floor beside her. “I expected you two to bring those hot guys home with you.”
“Then why are you sitting here cramping our style?” I slurred.
He bit back a smile. “Did someone have a lot to drink tonight?”
“Someone did,” I said, almost wanting to stick it to him for disregarding our kiss.
“Friend here not hearing both sides of the conversation,” Izzy interjected as she pushed herself unsteadily to her feet.
“Sorry.” I stood up unsteadily but willed myself not to fall in front of Kyler—again.
“I need to sleep. Or puke,” she said as she headed to the stairs.
“Do you need my help?” I asked.
She swatted her hand in my direction as she disappeared upstairs.
“How was the party?” Kyler asked once we were alone.
I couldn’t bring myself to turn around. I was drunk and he was gorgeous and maddening and a spirit.
“Hook up with any guys?” he kept at it.
I spun around. “Why did you kiss me?”
His head hitched back. “What?”
“You’re always honest with me,” I said, hating that I was slurring. “Why did you kiss me?”
His eyes locked on mine and though it looked like he might answer me, he didn’t.
“Do you pity me?”
His brows furrowed. “Pity you?”
“Because…you know…”
“Nora, I don’t pity you.”
“Why do I feel like that’s the first lie you’ve told me?”
He was inches from my face before I knew how he’d even gotten there. His hands cupped my cheeks, his eyes peering into mine. “I’ve never lied to you.”
“Why’d you kiss me?” I asked again.
The seconds ticked by as his eyes riveted between mine. “Because I couldn’t imagine never kissing you.”
I swallowed down the lump of emotion in my throat.
“I am very aware that I could disappear without warning,” he continued, his eyes now focused on my mouth. “But, I’m also aware that you’re beautiful and smart and funny and someone I can’t seem to be without.”
Tears stung my eyes.
His eyes lifted to mine. “That’swhy I kissed you.”