Page 56 of All Your Tomorrows
“Of course,” Mr. Fletcher said.
“He’s sitting with you on the sofa right now. I’m gonna give you both some time to say whatever you need to say to him. I know he wants to hear it.” I stood and looked to Kyler who shot me an appreciative smile. “If you need me to tell them anything, just come and get me.”
“Thanks,” he said.
I left them alone and walked into the first-floor bedroom. Kyler lay in bed exactly as he had the last time I was there. The ventilator still lifted his chest to give the impression that he was breathing on his own.
I lowered myself into the bedside chair, hating seeing this version of him. I took his hand from under the sheet and held it, wishing the gesture would awaken something in him. “Hi there…it would be awesome if you could just sit up and speak right now. Could you do that for me?” I paused, in case he did. He didn’t. “The other you is with your parents right now. I hope they’re telling you everything they’ve been telling this version of you…”
I glanced around the sterile room. There was a framed photo of Kyler and Melanie that hadn’t been there last time. They were at a party and his arm was wrapped around her. Her smile beamed and it was easy to see the love she had for him. He, however, looked less excited. His smile was more forced. She definitely brought the photo over after seeing me there.
“You don’t have to cross over.” I squeezed his hand. “You can wake up. I’m just starting to get used to you hanging around…you’re actually one of the better roommates I’ve had. You don’t leave a mess. You don’t eat all our food…and you’re a good snuggler.”
“Am I?” Kyler asked from the doorway.
I glanced to him. “How are they doing?”
He shrugged before stepping into the room. “They miss me.”
“They want me to wake up.”
“We all do,” I said. “Is there anything you want me to tell them for you?”
He stared down at his other self and shook his head. “I don’t want it to be any harder on them.”
“It’s meant to comfort them,” I said.
He didn’t respond. His eyes latched onto the photo by his bedside. “What the hell?”
I laughed. “She wants to be with you.”
“But I don’t want to be with her.” He winced, and I could see the look of pain cross over his face as he grabbed the sides of his head and doubled over.
“Kyler!” I jumped to my feet and leaned over with him, my hand on his back. “What’s wrong?”
He didn’t respond, just shook his head with his hands grasping it.
“You’re scaring me. What’s happening?”
“I don’t know,” he groaned.
“Jesus Christ! Tell me what to do,” I pleaded.
He took a step back and dropped down into the chair. His hands remained on his head, but he used his knees to brace his elbows.
I rubbed his back, trying to soothe him. “You’re gonna be okay.”
He slowly lowered his hands, his breath coming out labored. He grabbed my hand, clutching it like a lifeline. “I’m scared.”
I crawled onto his lap, holding him while he held me back. “I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere. What happened?”
“I don’t know. A sharp pain just exploded in my head.”
“Does it still hurt?”
“Just a dull ache now,” he said.