Page 58 of All Your Tomorrows
Kyler laughed sardonically. “Never happening.”
I looked to him. “Never say never.”
“What’s he saying?” Mrs. Fletcher asked.
“He said that’s not happening.”
“Tell them I’ve got my eye on someone else,” Kyler said.
I cocked my head at him, trying not to melt in front of them.
“What?” Mrs. Fletcher pried.
“He said…”
“Go on,” Kyler prompted.
I rolled my eyes. “He said he has his eye on someone else.”
The Fletchers exchanged a knowing look.
Kyler burst into laughter. “I can’t believe you actually told them.”
“You told me to,” I argued.
“What?” Mr. Fletcher asked.
I shook my head. “Your son is maddening.”
They both smiled, though the smiles didn’t reach their eyes. I couldn’t imagine not being able to see someone I loved so much when they were standing right beside me.
I inched toward the door. “I should probably head out.”
“Will you come back?” Mrs. Fletcher asked, though I knew she was really asking if I would bring Kyler back.
“Of course,” I said.
“Great,” she sighed.
I walked toward the front door with Kyler at my side. I could hear his parents on my heels. I stopped and turned to look at them. “Thanks again for letting me in.”
Mrs. Fletcher caught me off guard and wrapped me in a hug. “Thankyoufor bringing our son home.”
I didn’t move, letting her hug me for as long as she needed to. This was such a stark contrast to the reception I’d received from her previously.
She released me as Mr. Fletcher nodded his appreciation. “Thank you for coming by.” He opened the front door and Melanie stood there, her eyes widening when she spotted me with the Fletchers. “What’sshedoing here?” she asked, her jawline ticking.
I wish I could say my eyes stayed on hers, but they were on the old man standing behind her. The one who was with her at the café. The one I desperately needed to talk to.
“Oh, Melanie. Hi,” Mr. Fletcher said, quickly stepping back to let her inside their home.
“Nice to see you,Lanie,” I said, crossing my arms and enjoying her surprise.
“Nora was just visiting Kyler,” Mrs. Fletcher explained.
“She’s hiding a secret,” the old man now standing beside her said as if I hadn’t caught it the last time we’d interacted.