Page 68 of All Your Tomorrows
“What will you do on Christmas Eve?” she asked as I maneuvered around groups of shoppers jamming up the sidewalk.
“Um? What doesummean?” she asked.
“It means…I kind of have plans,” I said.
“With Izzy?”
Here goes nothing.“I’m kind of seeing…someone.”
“What?!” she screeched so loudly I had to pull the phone away from my ear. “Why is this the first I’m hearing of this?”
“It all just sort of happened,” I explained.
“Tell me everything. What’s his name?”
“I like that name. Where’d you meet? Don’t tell me one of those dating apps.”
I laughed. “No. I met him at…work.” It wasn’t a total lie.
“So? What’s he like?”
“Well…he’s gorgeous. And funny. And, he treats me well.”
“Oh, thank God. I’ve been so worried about you since what that asshole Rick did. I’m so happy you finally moved on.”
“I have.”
“Will I meet Kyler on Christmas?”
“Oh…” I reached the alley between the buildings and hurried to the café’s back door. “I’m not sure. Maybe…Actually…Probably not.”
“Nora? You’re acting weird. What aren’t you telling me? Are your readings getting to be too much for you? Talk to me.”
“Mom, I just got to the café,” I said, stepping inside the back room. “I’m gonna have to call you later.”
“As soon as your shift is over,” she demanded.
“Fine.” I disconnected the call, knowing I was safe from any more of her questions—at least for the next six hours.
I pulled off my coat and grabbed my apron from the hook, tying it behind my back as I walked out front.
“Hey, glad you’re here!” Daci said.
I noticed the long line of customers snaking its way to the door. “Hey,” I said as I hurried to the register to wait on the next customer. That’s when I noticed Kyler was there, seated at a table watching me.
I couldn’t stop thinking about last night. There were so many emotions running through me. Everything had been so perfect. Was he thinking the same thing? Feeling the same way?
“Nora?” Daci said.
I glanced over my shoulder.
“You okay? You just froze there for a minute.”
“I’m fine,” I said, turning back to the customer as Kyler laughed in the background.