Page 104 of Beautiful Chaos
“Are you sure you want to do this? It’s not going to be pretty.”
With her brows dropping, she looks at the door, and I know the wheels are turning in her head. As she straightens her spine, she swivels her eyes back to me. “Yes, I’m sure,” she says.
Things are about to get messy. I wasn’t exaggerating when I said it wasn’t going to be pretty. In fact, it’ll be downright ugly and would make even the strongest stomach weak. It’s not something a woman should ever see. But if there’s anyone who deserves to be part of this, it’s Cat.
I know it’s not a black and white decision for her. It’s not what shewantsto do, but what sheneedsto do.
I pull her closer, dropping my chin to look down at her. “If at any time you want to leave, let me know, and I’ll get you out of there.”
She rolls to her toes and brushes her lips against mine before rolling back down. “Stop, Hunter. I’ll be fine. I need to do this.” Something hard passes over her eyes. “I want to see that man suffer and bleed. I need to see the pain in his eyes. Because I won’t truly believe it’s over until I’m standing over his cold, dead body.”
As fucked up as it may be, Cat’s words have my cock twitching. I’m not blood thirsty. I don’t kill people for sport. I do it because if I don’t, another innocent person will be hurt. Silas and I don’t truly make a difference in the world, but even if we only save one person from suffering, then that’s enough for us. What matters is how we make a difference in that person’s life.
What fills my cock with blood are the emotions she is letting out. Fear and pain have been so much a part of Cat’s life for years. Even when she refused to acknowledge what happened, I could still see it lurking in the depths of her eyes. Cat has never been weak in any way, but seeing the fight and determination on her face right now reminds me of the woman I married. I’m so goddamn proud of her.
Twisting the knob, I push open the door. The putrid smell of sweat and piss hit us first, the stench so strong that it makes my eyes water. Cat coughs beside me.
Across the room, Jimmy sits on an old wood chair. I refuse to call him Nico. We may have the same blood running through our veins, but he’s not family. He’s Jimmy Simons, the sick bastard who stole my kids and tortured my wife. Nothing more, nothing less.
I haven’t seen him since he was carted out of my house a week ago. The anger that’s been slowly brewing inside me slams back tenfold.
Behind me and Cat, I feel another presence step into the room, and I know it’s Silas. He asked to be here, and I wasn’t going to deny him.
Slowly, my eyes take in Jimmy. He’s been stripped down to nothing but an undershirt and a pair of silk boxers. He looks fitter than I expected when I thought he was homeless for ten years. However, after sitting in this room for days, rotting, and getting only the bare minimum to survive, he’s lost weight.
His arms aren’t tied to the arms of the chair. They don’t need to be. With thick nails anchored to the back of his hands and buried in the wood, he won’t be going anywhere. However, rope is wrapped around his ankles and the chair’s legs. His torso is also held in place by rope.
When we entered the room, his head was lying limply on his chest, but now it’s slowly rising. His face looks gaunt. His eye is slightly swollen with a cut on his brow, and he has a line of dried blood from the corner of his mouth. He sees me first, his expression blank, but then he notices Cat beside me. A creepy as fuck smile splits his lips.
“Cat,” he rasps, his voice scratchy from either not talking or screaming. “I see you’ve missed me as much as I’ve missed you. I’m glad you came.”
Cat stiffens, out of fear or hatred, I’m not sure which.
She takes a step forward. “I’m here because I won’t miss the opportunity to watch you suffer. To see your life drain from your eyes.”
Jimmy chuckles, the sound rusty. “I guess you’re saying the time we spent togetherwasn’tenjoyable for you?” He licks his cracked lips. “I have to admit, it wasn’t as pleasurable for me either, since I didn’t get a chance to shove my dick into your pussy like my boys did. That’s my biggest regret.”
My feet are moving before the last syllable leaves his filthy fucking mouth. I swing my arm back and strike him in the jaw with my fist. My knuckles split from the tooth that flies across the room. His head whips around, but he brings it back. An evil smile splits his lips, showing off a gap where the tooth used to be in the front.
“You can hit me, stab me, torture me as much as you want, Hunter, but I still won. I took from you something precious that you’ll never get back. Your two perfect little children were my son’s and his friend’s play things. They ripped them to shreds and gobbled up the delicious pieces. But that’s not the most exciting part. What makes this so enjoyable and ensures I’ll always win is that you’ll never be rid of me. Your pretty little Cat will always think of me and my boys. I’ll always be in the back of both of your heads, taunting you, reminding you of what you had and what you lost.” He laughs like a mad man because that’s what he is. A fucking lunatic. “You can kill me, but you’ll never be rid of me.”
The more he talks, the higher my blood pressure rises and the darker the red seeps into my vision.
It’s obvious what he’s doing. He wants me angry. Enraged. He wants me to lose control and end his life fast. To remove the option of making him suffer. He knows he’s not leaving this room alive. He believes that if he can control the situation, shit will go his way.
A rabid scream comes from my left, followed by a flash of black hair. Before I can stop her, Cat has buried a knife in Jimmy’s thigh. He howls in pain. Her chest heaves as she twists the blade, digging it deeper.
I let her have her moment before stepping up and wrapping my arms around her waist. I pry her fingers away from the knife handle. “Let go, baby. This is what he wants. For us to put him out of his misery quickly.”
She blinks, the enraged scowl slowly fading from her face. She looks down at my hand covering hers which is still wrapped around the knife. Slowly, her fingers relax and she lets go. Her eyes move to Jimmy, who’s trying his best to hide the pain he’s currently experiencing. By the time I’m done with him, he’ll be begging for death.
What he said was true though. Neither Cat nor I will ever forget what he did. It will always loom over our heads, haunting us. But he’s also wrong. Jimmy may have changed our lives forever, but we’ll use it to strengthen ourselves. We will use it to ensure that something like this never happens again. What Jimmy took hasn’t made us weaker. It’s made us stronger and wiser. In time, he will fade from our memories and be replaced by the beauty we had before he came along. The children we had will be remembered for who they were during their time with us, not for who Jimmy made them.
Cat straightens, and I pull her back across the room. She’ll remain close enough to witness what’s coming, but far enough away so she doesn’t get dirty.
I turn back to Jimmy. Sweat pours down his temples and his cheeks are flushed red.
“How’s Presley doing?” he asks with a toothless grin and dribbles of blood sliding down his chin.