Page 29 of Beautiful Chaos
“Good for you. Maybe bringing him down a peg or two will teach him a lesson.”
She nods. “I really hope so, because I can’t imagine never having that kind of sex again.”
That makes me laugh. “I’m sure he’ll see the error of his ways and come crawling back to you, begging for your forgiveness.”
“I guess we’ll see.” She sits quietly for a moment, her eyes locked on mine, her expression thoughtful. “So, how are you doing? Anything exciting going on?”
“We’re good. Nothing too exciting. Hunter was gone most of the night a couple of nights ago.”
“Oh yeah?” Her brow rises. “How did that go?”
Megan is aware of my anxiety when Hunter is away. I have spoken to her many times about why I get so stressed out. She’s calmed me down several times during panic attacks.
“It was okay.” I pick at the cuticle on my thumb nail. “Mom and Dad stayed with me. It’s ridiculous that, as a grown woman in her thirties, I freak out when my husband is away overnight.”
Megan stops my cuticle picking by grabbing my hand. “It’s not ridiculous at all, Cat. Some people just don’t do well being alone.”
“Yeah, but why am I like that?” I give her a questioning look. “I wasn’t like this when I was younger.”
A wrinkle forms on her forehead as her hand squeezes mine. “There’s no telling what caused it. Have you spoken to your doctor about it? Maybe the nightmares have something to do with it.”
I stare sightlessly at my hand in hers. “Maybe,” I murmur.
Our conversation is interrupted when the waitress approaches with our food. Megan and I chat about mundane things while we eat. I miss seeing my friend regularly. She’s only an hour away, but between our schedules, we don’t see each other as often as I’d like.
“How are your parents and brothers? Is Noah still enjoying college?”
In middle school, Megan and her older brother, Dean, were surprised by the news that their parents were expecting another child. Their parents were just as shocked, especially since Dean Senior had a vasectomy after Megan was born. There was never a question about whether their mother had cheated. Their parents are a lot like mine. You can just see the love radiating between them. If anyone did doubt Meredith’s fidelity, it was soon put to rest when Noah came out the spitting image of Dean Senior.
“He’s fine. Ready for graduation next year. He already has a job lined up for next summer.”
“That’s great. He’s been a lifesaver to me a couple of times when my computer went kaput. I love the man, but Hunter’s computer illiterate.”
Megan laughs. “I’ve put him to use several times myself.” Megan wipes her mouth with her napkin and places it on her plate. “Izzy found out she’s pregnant. Dean’s over the moon.”
I smile, happiness spreading through me for Dean and his wife. “Really? I can just imagine how happy they must be. I know they’ve been trying for years.”
“The news came out of nowhere. Izzy went for an endoscopy for some digestive problems she had been having. A pregnancy test was required because of the medicine they give you to knock you out. The test came back positive. I’m pretty sure Dean passed out when he heard the news, but of course, he’d never admit it.”
I giggle, not surprised Dean wouldn’t admit to something so unmanly. Neither would Hunter. I think it’s a man thing.
We spend the next hour catching up before I insist on paying the bill. I walk with Megan to her car to give me the gift she bought me since she won’t be here for my birthday next week. My eyes well up with tears when I unwrap a painting she commissioned of Hunter and me on our wedding day. We’re facing each other beneath a weeping willow tree. Hunter’s head is tilted down, and mine is tilted back. We’re in our wedding clothes. The attention to detail is stunning.
After a long hug, we part ways, and I get into my car after carefully placing the painting in the trunk. I know the perfect place to put it. I’m not sure why I never put pictures there, but there’s a blank space on the wall in the living room where it would look perfect.
I’m leaving the floral shop where I picked up a dozen purple peonies, Cat’s favorite. I asked her to be ready by five. I’m taking her to our favorite restaurant for her birthday. Afterwards, we’ll head to Willow Lake, which was where we made love for the first time under the stars. I have a blanket laid out and wine in a cooler waiting for us. In my pocket is a silver key on a silver chain.
I get behind the wheel of my SUV and start the engine. I’m heading home to pick up my beautiful wife. Tonight I have her all to myself. This weekend I’ll share her with her parents, where we’ll have dinner at their place with her sister and her crew.
Just as I shift into drive, my phone buzzes with a text. I put the vehicle back in park and check the device.
My gut drops, and I grip my phone so tightly it creaks.
Scarlett: I need you.