Page 48 of Beautiful Chaos
“I received a thumb drive containing a video of the night of the attack. I don’t know what Whisper’s next move is.”
“I’ll inform my men to be extra cautious.”
“Thanks,” I mutter before ending the call.
I press down on the gas pedal, speeding through a red light when I see no cars coming. At the moment, my sole purpose is to get to Cat. I need to see her. To feel her in my arms to ensure myself she’s really okay.
* * *
I seeJimmy and Presley sitting on the steps of the porch when I pull up to the house. With clenched teeth, I step out of my SUV and approach the pair. I stuff my hand with torn knuckles in the pocket of my slacks to keep them from asking questions.
Normally, I wouldn’t mind Jimmy stopping by and even encourage him to do so. At the moment, however, he’s keeping me from reaching Cat, something I need to do to calm the waves of rage running through me. Presley is with him, but I can never be irritated by her.
Jimmy gets up from the steps when I walk up. “Hey, Hunter.”
While he’s only a handful of years older than me, he looks older after living on the streets for so long.
“How’s it going?”
“Can’t complain.” He turns his head to the girl beside him. “Presley was just keeping me company.”
“That so?” I cock an eyebrow at Presley. “Are you behaving?”
“I don’t know what you mean,” she answers haughtily, her eyes sparkling with laughter. “I’m always good.”
I snort, which earns me a giggle.
“Too bad you weren’t home sooner,” she sasses, getting up from the step and brushing her butt with her hands. “Now I only have time to give this to you before I have to go.”
She grabs the small stack of papers from the porch, and I take them with my uninjured hand.
“Perhaps if you’d given me a heads up, then I would have been,” I say, part of me wishing she had, because I wouldn’t have been at Slate and seen that fucking video.
Typical of a girl her age, she sticks out her tongue at me. My lips twitch.
“When have I ever given you a heads up? You’re supposed to just know these things.”
I grunt in response.
She turns to Jimmy, flashing a couple of dimples when she grins at him. “It was good seeing you again, Jimmy.”
“You too, girl.”
Jimmy and I watch as Presley skips down the driveway to the sidewalk. I swear, she never simply walks. She has to skip everywhere.
I face Jimmy, anxious to see what he wants so I can get him to leave. I don’t feel bad about rushing him. I’m grateful for what he did for my family, but right now, I need to get inside to my wife. “What brings you by?”
“Nothin’ particular. Just stopping by to check up on things since I haven’t seen you both in a while.”
“We’re all good here. Things okay for you at work?”
“Yep. The boss man wants to make me a supervisor,” he says, giving me a broad grin.
The smile I give him is genuine. “That’s fucking great, Jimmy.”
“Thanks. I wouldn’t be here today if it weren’t for you.”
And my wife wouldn’t be here today if it weren’t for him. Cat survived that night only because Jimmy got to her in time. Just a few more minutes, and the doctors said she would not have survived.