Page 88 of Beautiful Chaos
We still don’t know how Whisper has been breaking into the house, and I don’t want any more surprises when Cat and I return. We also discovered the cameras in the house have been set on a loop when the person breaks in. Unfortunately, watching the thumb drive all the way through didn’t enlighten me about Whisper’s identity. It only further fueled my rage.
“Got it.”
I pull on a shirt and stomp my feet into my shoes. “Which way is she headed?”
I take the stairs two at a time. Knowing the danger she’s in, Cat wouldn’t have left if she were herself, so there’s only two places she would be headed.
“Toward The Grove.”
“Stay on her. Do not let her out of your sight,” I demand, my fucking heart lodged in my throat. “Go inside and tell the staff who you are. Tell them I sent you and that I’m on my way. And Mathias,” I pause, “if something happens, shoot to fucking kill.”
Though I’m eager to get my hands on Whisper and Henry, I would rather see them dead than take the risk of them getting to Cat.
After grabbing my keys, I turn off the alarm and run out the door without resetting it. Mathias’s men will be here any minute.
I break every fucking traffic law as I speed through the darkening streets. Just as Scarlett and Presley did recently, Athena has gone off script. Athena usually appears during the day, whereas Scarlett appears at night.
The whole situation reminds me of the first time Cat’s alternate personalities appeared. My nerves were shot then, just as they are now, because I had no idea when or how they would return. All three are becoming unpredictable, and I don’t like it.
I didn’t stop looking over my shoulder until a year and a half after the first one appeared because I was afraid she would appear as someone else. And perhaps the new one wouldn’t seek me out like the others had.
I screech to a halt in the gravel parking lot at The Grove, seeing Cat’s red car parked along the side of the building. Flinging my car door open, I barely stop long enough to slam it closed behind me. When I see Mathias and Damon’s cars at the back of the parking lot, the heavy pounding in my chest lessens slightly. Ginger’s car is there as well, which is odd since she normally works the mid-afternoon shift because Athena usually arrives around that time.
I dart up the steps, but before I reach the door, it’s flung open and Ginger’s worried gaze meets mine.
“She got here ten minutes ago,” she says. “She’s never come this late before.”
“I know.” I shoulder my way past her into the reception area. “Where is she?”
“In her room.” Ginger grabs my arm before I can head toward the stairs. I don’t turn, too impatient to get to Cat, but I look at her over my shoulder. “Why the sudden change, Hunter? Mom said she’d gotten her memories back and she knows about the others. Is that why?”
I pull Ginger’s hand from my arm and turn halfway around. “I think so. Dr. Armani believes that since she allowed herself to fully remember, her emotions are heightened and out of whack. I’ll explain more later. Right now, I need to go see her.”
I don’t give her a chance to reply before I rush for the stairs, taking them three at a time. Mathias stands outside Cat’s door, out of sight.
“Damon is patrolling the outside,” he says when I approach.
“Good,” I grunt. “Not sure how long this is going to take.”
“I’ll stick around if you need me.”
“Thanks,” I say before leaving him.
As I step into the room, I don’t see Cat at first, but then I notice her on the floor in a corner. Her legs are drawn up to her chest and her chin rests on her bent knees as she leans against a wall. Her forlorn expression as she stares down at the floor sends shards of ice straight to my heart.
“Athena?” I ask, approaching her slowly so I don’t startle her.
Her head jerks up, her surprised gaze meeting mine. “Hunter?”
When I’m only a few feet from her, I squat down. “Why are you sitting on the floor?”
Her fingers dig into her legs where she’s resting her hands. “I don’t know,” she says evasively.
“Is everything okay? Why do you look so sad?”
She licks her lips and her voice dips. “Because there’s so much to be sad about.”
Her answer pierces through my chest, leaving a gaping hole behind. Scooting around, I lean against the wall beside her. Not too close, but close enough that when she lifts her hand, I place mine in hers and put them both on the floor between us.