Page 36 of Dying Without You
Jones Therapy Center
Malcolm entered the room, his brows arching at Langston, standing in a custom suit, staring out the window with his arms folded.
Langston turned and strolled with his hand out. “Malcolm.” The two men shook hands and both took seats opposite of each other.
“I didn’t know if I would see you again. My secretary has reached out to you, to no avail. How are you?”
Malcolm’s brows rose. “Better is good. It’s been two months. Catch me up on your progress.”
Langston had already considered how much he wanted to reveal to Malcolm. As his therapist, technically, baring it all was a form of trust and goodwill. But Langston found the details unnecessary to share.
“I took your advice.”
“The dream visualization?”
“The sex.”
“With Lisa?”
“The specifics aren’t necessary, are they, counselor?”
“No. Continue, please.”
“This friend was someone who reached out to me when I was contemplating your overall advice and thinking about my future.” He paused. “The events fell into place and it all just…happened.”
“And by that, you mean things happened naturally?”
Malcolm smiled. “I like the sound of that.”
“It’s a step outside of my normal routine for sure. I’m not accustomed to enjoying a woman’s flesh before getting to know her thoroughly.”
“And how do you feel about it?”
Langston chuckled, his head swaying at his thoughts. “You wouldn’t believe it…or maybe you would.” He bit his bottom lip. “I want her beyond our sexual desires.” He swallowed a knot in his throat. “It’s pitiful, really.”
“Why is it pitiful?”
“Because it feels impossible for me to go with the flow without trying to make something more significant out of what we’re doing.”
“That’s not a terrible problem. In fact, most women would love a man like you.”
Langston’s thick brows dipped as he frowned. “Counselor, do you remember my past relationships?”
“Yes. I understand, but just because you’ve connected with the wrong women in the past doesn’t mean most women wouldn’t love you.”
“How does this friend feel about you?”