Page 41 of Dying Without You
They collapsed in each other’s embrace, tickled at their shenanigans and the good feeling of it all.
“I like it. That is something new,” Langston said. “But let me guess—you want to learn this to impress the king, who is your friend?”
Cynthia pursed her lips. “Now you just make it sound ridiculous.”
“Which part? The part about you friend-zoning a king or the part about knowing you want to impress him?”
Cynthia kept her lips closed.
“Awww, now you get quiet on me. It’s cool.”
“If we’re being serious about the matter, it’s none of your business.”
“Oh! Now it’s none of my business. Okay.” He held back a smirk. “You’re absolutely right.”
“I know I am.”
“Well, even though it’s none of my business, I still want to commemorate this anniversary with you two,” he shrugged. “A cake.”
“Is the cake in the room with us?”
Langston’s guffaw echoed throughout the room. “No, it’s not in the room with us. I have to go pick it up.”
“A freshly baked cake?”
“I’m impatient for it now.”
“I’ll leave to pick one up right now.”
Honey, your father wants to know when you plan to reschedule our dinner. He was disappointed that you couldn’t make it.
Lisa’s eyes scanned the text and sulked. She hadn’t meant to keep putting off the dinner, but she’d be lying if she said she didn’t want to hear a peep about her nonexistent solo career.
Maybe this weekend.
Maybe? Or this weekend?
This weekend.
He’ll be ecstatic! I love you.
I love you too.
Lisa dropped the phone on the counter, strolled to the cabinet, and removed a long-stemmed wine glass. Her phone chirped again, and she hesitated to get it. But after crossing her fingers, she knew who she hoped would be on the other end of the notification.
Backpedaling, Lisa dropped her eyes to the screen and immediately smiled. It was her two close friends, Chelsea Bellamy and Tina Braddon, in a group chat.
Lisa, we have a question.