Page 47 of Dying Without You
“Oh, my God! I’d love to meet her!”
Her excitement surprised Langston, and when he glanced back at Cynthia, she was clapping silently and shaking her hips. Laughter bellowed from Langston.
“I’ll be ready in fifteen minutes!”
“Okay. I’ll be there in twenty to pick you up.”
* * *
One hour later,Langston and Lisa strolled through the door of Cynthia’s home, right into her outstretched arms.
“It’s so good to meet you!” Cynthia sang.
Lisa gushed, “Oh, the pleasure is all mine. You look and smell as good as you appear in the media.”
Laughter consumed them all. “And you are just as divine as when you’re on stage.”
Lisa gasped and covered her mouth with a palm. “Oh, my God, you know who I am?”
Cynthia pursed her lips. “Of course, I know you. Genesis Rising is famous. Did you not know?”
“I mean…” she shrugged, trying to appear modest. “We’re getting there.”
“Honey, I’ve got news for you—you’re already there!”
Cynthia pulled Lisa in, and they hugged tightly again. “Come, let’s eat some of this cake.”
They entered the kitchen and sat down at a rectangular table. Cynthia ate another slice and closed her eyes on a moan. After swallowing and following up with water, she spoke. “You have to tell me—is this a family recipe?”
Lisa’s eyes sparkled. “It is. How’d you guess?”
“It has its own pizzazz, you know? I’ve never tasted another like it. It has a delicious flavor, and the texture is different. The flavors explode off your tongue. My God, this is good.”
Langston and Lisa exchanged a glance of pride before Lisa responded. “My grandmother is the family keeper of secret recipes. You’ll have to come to her house.”
“Oh, I’m gonna,” Cynthia answered. “You can count on that. I’m going to get the recipe for this cake and make it over and over again.”
“I’m glad you like it.”
Cynthia beamed with pride and looked at her son. “Lisa obviously cares for you enough to put in all this work.”
“I do,” Lisa said, her lashes batting at Langston affectionately.
He winked in return, blushing like a silly schoolboy. Cynthia stood and clapped her hands together. “Let me tell you something interesting, Lisa. Strawberry shortcake is Langston’s favorite cake. Did he tell you that?”
Lisa gasped, her eyes growing wide at Langston. “No, he didn’t.”
“I did.”
She stared at him in disbelief. “When? Point out the moment.”
He leaned in, his voice low, “When I tasted it off your lips.”
Heat filled her cheeks, and her nipples hardened as she suppressed a smile.
Cynthia watched them adoringly, and she dared not interrupt, wanting to get a better feel for thisfriendshipthey claimed to share.
“Oh, my God,” Lisa whispered in an emotion-filled voice. “How could you say that to me in front of your mother?”