Page 85 of Dying Without You
Derek nodded. “Now you have more, baby.” He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed her there.
A blush bloomed across her cheeks, and she shrugged. “I won't fight it.”
“Thank you.”
They leaned in for another kiss, and Chelsea spoke.
“I'm not fighting it either after what happened to me.” She shivered, thinking about how a serial killer had broken into her house, followed her across the seas, and put a knife to her throat.
“So it’s settled,” Tristan added.
They all nodded. “Can we eat now?”
Laughter kicked up around the group, and they sat and dug into their food one by one.
“So, what's next?” Tristan asked, taking a bite. “You guys gonna take a trip around the world or something?”
Langston grinned at Lisa. “Actually, we were thinking about taking a road trip up the coast. Maybe visit some national parks along the way.”
Chelsea raised an eyebrow. “Sounds adventurous.”
Tina leaned over to whisper to Malik, “Maybe we should tag along.”
Malik chuckled. “I don’t think they want a fifth wheel.”
“Actually,” Langston said, “I’m just kidding.”
Tristan and Malik twisted their lips as Tina’s and Chelsea's mouths popped open. Lisa laughed, and Langston kissed her on the forehead.
“We do have plans, however.” He reached for Lisa's hand and held it up. A sparkle from a large engagement ring made them all gasp.
“Congratulations!” the group erupted, hugging and dancing on their feet in happiness.
“I'm so fuckin’ happy for you, family,” Malik said.
“What about me?” Lisa asked.
More laughter erupted. “I'm happy for you, too.”
“Oh, okay,” she teased.
“We've talked about it a little bit, and we don't want to rush the engagement, but we have our eyes on Kéra Asnela as a wedding destination location.”
Their eyes widened, and Tina squealed, “Shut up!”
Lisa nodded. “Yeaaaa. If Mrs. Clark doesn't want to leave, I have to see what's keeping her there.”
Tina chuckled. “What's keeping her there might not be the land itself, if you catch my drift.”
“We do.”
“Still…” Lisa swallowed a cup of lemonade, “…we want to visit.”
“So do we!” Tina announced.
Malik glanced at her. “We do?”
Chelsea laughed, as did Lisa and Eden. “Yes, we do.”