Page 106 of Stolen Angels
“While you do that, I’ll look at security footage and see if we can determine who left Becky here at the hospital.”
One Hundred Twenty-Nine
Grateful to escape the smells and sounds of the hospital corridors, Derrick followed the guard into the main office housing the security cameras for the hospital. “Let’s narrow down the time frame,” he told the hefty man named Buddy. “She was found in the chapel around one p.m. so let’s start looking around noon.”
Buddy sank into his seat and found the footage for earlier that day. Quickly, they scrolled through it. There were cameras outside and in various hall areas, more in the nursery wing, so they checked outside entrances and the ER door. Derrick watched the ambulance bring in several patients but no child.
He followed a woman dressed as a nurse enter pushing a wheelchair. “Zoom in on her,” Derrick said.
Buddy adjusted the zoom featured, enlarging the footage, and Derrick saw she was pushing an elderly man who was hunched over, his head listing to one side.
They continued scrolling, and at the loading zone for supply deliveries, near the kitchen and laundry area, he spotted a tall, broad-shouldered man dressed in a janitor’s uniform and hat enter with his face averted from the camera. He rubbed his chin. All along they were looking for a woman, but this man was carrying something, only he made sure the bundle wasn’t visible to the camera.
“That could be him,” he said. “Let’s follow his movements.”
Buddy leaned closer, and they tracked the man leaving the storage area with a rolling cart of laundry. He took the service elevator and pushed the cart down the hall. Checking around each corner and glancing up and down the halls, he wove past a storage closet then down a corridor and ended up at the chapel.
Derrick straightened and watched the guy check over his shoulder again, then ease open the chapel door. Clearly satisfied no one was inside, he lifted the bundle that was wrapped in a blanket and carried it in. He lost the image when the man shut the door, but the blanket slipped as the man maneuvered through the door, and Derrick got a glimpse of dark blond hair. It was Becky.
One Hundred Thirty
Somewhere on the AT
“Where the hell is Becky?” She clawed at her husband, shaking him. “How could you take her from me?”
He wrapped his arms around her so tightly she could barely breathe, the pain was so intense.
“Her fever had spiked dangerously high. I had to save her life.”
She shoved at him until he released her. “You’re lying. Get away from me. You did this! You killed her just like you did before!”
He shook his head, his eyes grief-stricken, but she didn’t care. It was all his fault. He’d stolen everything from her.
But she’d go after what she wanted.
Sarah.She would get her.
And there was nothing he could do to stop her. She’d kill him if he tried.
She ran for her keys, but he chased after her and grabbed her around the waist. “Wait, this has to stop!” he shouted. “I can’t keep letting you do this.”
She swung her foot back and kicked his knee and he screamed in pain. He had torn his meniscus a while back and still had trouble with it.
“Let me go! Santa comes tonight!” Desperation made her voice sound shrill, but she didn’t care. It couldn’t be happening again… “Shehasto be here.”
“But she’s not,” he yelled. “And stealing these little girls is not going to bring her back. You’re only hurting them and their families.”
He tried to yank her back, but she grabbed a lamp from the sideboard. “Don’t say that. I’m the mother. I know what’s best.”
He caught her arm, but she swung the lamp and smashed it against his temple. He staggered sideways, grabbed at the wall to stay upright, but she shoved him with both hands and he collapsed backward, his head bashing the floor.
Breath hissing out, heart roaring like a jackhammer, she watched his eyes roll back in his head and for a moment, fear overwhelmed her. She loved her husband. She didn’t want to lose him.
But she wanted her daughter back even more.
Panic assailing her, she looked up and saw Kaylee and Ava watching her with wide scared eyes. “Go to your room,” she ordered. “Now.”
Kaylee clasped Ava’s hand and they turned and ran.