Page 76 of Stolen Angels
“Was she injured or abused?” Laney asked, her mouth drawn with worry.
“I didn’t see any apparent bruises or injuries, but she’s traumatized. No telling how long these people were holding her or what the conditions.”
The ERT investigator bagged the wallet, and Laney turned her attention to the body where it lay in a pool of blood. “Get them, Agent Fox. Make them pay.”
“I intend to.” Derrick texted his partner with the ID on the man’s driver’s license, along with the phone number attached to it.Dig into this guy. He made the drop with the child. Any word on the address for the group’s headquarters?
Bennett responded:Not yet but we’re getting closer. Will work on that trace.
While the team gathered forensics and bagged the man’s gun, Derrick searched the contacts on the man’s phone. There were a couple of restaurants, a body shop, and the number for an urgent care facility.
He checked the recent call history and found an unlisted number, but no name. Then a text that had come through a few minutes ago.
Sweat beaded his neck as he read the message.
Is it done?
Derrick stabbed his thumbs at the phone in a return text. Job complete. Where do I drop the girl?
Bluff County Hospital
Ellie paced the waiting room while Daisy was examined, and Bryce went to check on the deputy guarding Grueler. A group of women had shown up outside the hospital to protest, and he had to defuse the situation.
Better Bryce go than her, especially since he admitted that his own mother was one of the protestors.
A commotion sounded at the ER entrance, and the doors swished open. Cord and the medics pushed in a gurney with a bleeding unconscious woman lying on it. “Possible concussion, broken wrist, cuts and abrasions. Pulse low and thready…”
The voices faded around Ellie as the doctor rushed to the woman’s side. “Car accident?”
“No, some teenagers found her at Hangman’s Dome and called the rangers,” Cord said. “Smashed her head into some rocks. Police are there investigating.”
The doctor started barking orders about which tests to run as they pushed the injured woman through the double doors to an exam room.
Cord’s eyes lifted when he saw Ellie. “Did you find Ava?”
Ellie shook her head and relayed their investigation into MWC. “What happened with the woman?”
“Not sure yet if it was an accident, attempted suicide, or if she was pushed. I saw scuff marks as if someone else was there though. One of the sheriff’s deputies is checking it out.”
The pediatrician, a young woman with red hair and a warm smile, appeared. Her name tag read Dr.Norah Samuels, and a tiny stuffed panda bear was attached to her stethoscope.
“Can we speak in private?” the doctor asked with a look at Ellie.
“See you later, Ellie,” Cord said. “Call me if you need me.”
She murmured she would then turned to the pediatrician. “How’s Daisy?”
“Physically okay. It looks like she’s been fed and taken care of. I didn’t find any signs of physical or sexual abuse.”
“Thank God,” Ellie whispered, her shoulders slumping with relief.
“The emotional ramifications of what she’s been through may have long-lasting effects, though. I’m certain Dr.Laurens will suggest counseling once her family is located.”
“I’m not sure if she has a family to go back to, but we’ll look.” Ellie explained about MWC and the information they’d provided. “Much of that could have been lies, though. We’ll do everything possible to locate relatives.”