Page 97 of Stolen Angels
“I don’t know, but I heard the man say she might die.”
Ava buried her head into the pillow and let the tears fall. If Becky died, had the lady and man killed her?
Would they kill her and Kaylee, too?
One Hundred Twenty
Crooked Creek
Fueled with coffee and donuts that Derrick had brought, Ellie studied the file Detective Forrester had sent over. His handwriting was a mess, but they waded through the scribbled notes of the officers who’d canvassed the beach, questioning guests and families that day.
“This is Renee’s statement,” Ellie said. “According to Forrester, she seemed confused and disoriented. She and Kaylee collected seashells then made sandcastles and picnicked on sandwiches and brownies, then Kaylee spread out her beach towel and played Barbie going to the beach.”
She hesitated, picturing a sweet family scene in her mind. Ellie’s stomach plummeted as she realized what could have gone wrong. “Renee cleaned up their trash then stretched out to watch her daughter play. Other families had gone for the day, but Kaylee insisted on staying. Sometime later, Renee woke up and realized she’d fallen asleep, something she never did when she was with Kaylee.
“‘I’m always super careful about watching Kaylee,’ Renee insisted. ‘I was paranoid about something happening to her.’”
Ellie scrunched her nose in thought and continued to read. “Yet Renee either fell asleep—or passed out—for over two hours, during which Kaylee disappeared.”
“She could have drowned,” Derrick said, his tone dark.
Ellie nodded. “But Renee refused to accept that. She said a mother would know.”
She and Derrick exchanged looks. “I don’t know what to think,” Ellie said.
She flipped another page and skimmed the interviews with folks on the beach. “An older man walking his dog saw Renee and her daughter playing. He said the mother seemed attentive.” She moved onto the next one. “A couple of teenagers were boogie boarding. They saw the mom and little girl carrying water to fill a moat they built around their sandcastle. Another woman told the officer that she saw Renee staggering around yelling for her daughter. She gave the officer her contact information and went home.” Ellie chewed the inside of her cheek. “According to Forrester, Renee didn’t remember that exchange or the woman.”
“That’s odd, but could have been the alcohol,” Derrick said.
“I want to follow up with her.” Ellie skimmed the notes. “Her name was Jordan Jones.” She found her phone number listed and called the number. But her senses prickled when she got an out-of-service message.
“The phone number is no longer good,” she told Derrick as she flipped further and found a statement filed by Renee’s lawyer. “Listen to this. Renee’s attorney tried to reach the Jones woman to question her but couldn’t locate her.”
Derrick’s gaze met hers. “That sounds suspicious. Let me see what I can find on her.”
A knock sounded at the door, then Captain Hale poked his head inside her office. “Ellie, the hospital just called. Nolan Grueler came to.”
Ellie stood, her jaw clenched. “I’m on my way.”
One Hundred Twenty-One
Bluff County Hospital
Ellie left Derrick searching for Jordan Jones while she went to talk to Grueler. But first she stopped at the nurses’ station to check on his mother.
“How is Ms.Grueler?” she asked.
The nurse on duty leaned across the desk. “She’s doing better. Since she lives alone, the doctor released her to a rehab facility so she can receive physical and occupational therapy.”
Relief filled Ellie. At least there the woman would be safe from angry citizens.
She headed down the hall to Grueler’s room and found one of Bryce’s deputies standing guard. “Take a break,” said Ellie. “I need to talk to Nolan.”
“I could use some coffee,” the deputy said. “But call me if you need me. I’ve already fended off two more folks who were furious that we’re protecting him.”
“Thanks. I think I can handle it.” Ellie let his comment roll off her as she entered. She heard the beeping of machines monitoring his heart and saw he was being given oxygen, fluids, pain meds and probably antibiotics via IV.
His eyes fluttered open as she entered, and his fingers curled into the blanket.