Page 17 of Fateful Hearts
I inch forward just a little, and Zoey licks her bottom lip.
The elevator dings, announcing the arrival of someone.
Instinctively, I jerk back, knocking my elbow on the doorjamb. A sharp pain radiates through me with such intensity I cringe. “Shit, fuck!” I race my hand to my elbow.
Zoey widens her eyes. “Oh gosh, are you okay?” she asks, reaching out for my arm, but I step back as Lucas rounds the bend with a grin.
“Glorious morning isn’t it?” he asks, stepping right between Zoey and me as I rub at my elbow. “You okay there, Blake? You need to put in a worker’s compensation claim?” he teases.
I let out a gruff huff and turn, storming into my office as he chuckles, heading for his.
Shaking out my arm, I crane my neck to the side, feeling like I have just made a dick of myself in front of Zoey.
Moving to my desk, I shuck off my suit jacket, throw it over the back of my chair and roll up the sleeves of my shirt to my elbows. Then, letting out an annoyed exhale, I slide into my chair and switch on my computer, glancing past the monitor through my glass-paned walls directly to Zoey’s workstation. She sits at her desk, typing away, then sips her coffee.
What I wouldn’t give to be that coffee cup right now.
Having her lips wrapped around me as she sucks me dry.
Leaves that delicious shade of lipstick in a ring around my dick.
Putting on my reading glasses, I open my calendar for the day to check to see what is on. I have a relatively clear morning meetings wise, which means I can get on with the backlog of work I have accumulated due to being overly busy with other work-related issues. This is good. It means I can play catch-up today. A day where I can close myself off and focus.
That’s what I need.
To concentrate on something other than Zoey.
Footsteps at the front of my office make me glance up from my computer to see Lucas stepping inside, and I raise my brow at him. “Hey, what’s up?” I ask, pulling my glasses off so I can see him clearly.
He grins, closing the door behind him. “I wanted to thank you for coming to meet Jackson on Friday. I know our work relationship has always been a little on the tenser side of things, but I’d like to think in the last couple of months, we’ve gotten on better. Sorry, I should rephrase that…I’vegotten better.”
I sit back in my chair. “Yeah… you have. Since you and Paisley have settled your shit, you’re okay to be around.”
Lucas smiles like he knows that’s the truth. “I want to tell you that I know it took me far too long to accept you being a part of this firm. I know you’ve made this place better for us all. You’re an asset, Blake. I see that now.”
Well, shit. I did not see this coming.
And I have to admit it feels fucking good.
“Thanks, Lucas. I’m glad you feel that way. I want to help to make Ensure world-class. I know things between Nash and me were rocky. Our history is… well, it’s bad. But we’ve come through it and have been able to make this company fucking amazing together while putting all that bullshit behind us. I’m glad you’ve been able to put it all behind you too.”
Yeah, the history where I slept with Nash’s ex-fiancée behind his back. Then didn’t take his side when shit got bad for him at his father’s firm. I knew he was in the right, but I wanted the promotion. Yeah, shit between us was bad. But I was a different man back then. A man who didn’t deserve the break that Nash gave me. I cared more about myself and getting ahead.
But with Brianna’s help, I now see the bigger picture.
Working as a team gets you further, and caring about people is better than only about yourself and who you want to step on to get further up the ladder. I was a grade-A douche—there is no doubt about it.
Lucas glances from me, over his shoulder to Zoey, then back to me. “What’s the deal with you and Zoey?” he flat-out asks.
My eyes snap to him, wide as saucers, as I swallow the massive lump in my throat. “What?”
He chuckles. “You went up to bat for her with that idiot ex, and you seemed pretty cozy just now. Just want to let you know Nash has an incredibly strict no-office-relationship policy. You remember that, right?”
I scrunch my face letting out a ridiculously fake laugh. “Me and Zoey? No, we just get along well, that’s all. Her ex was a dick to her at your party, and I don’t know about you, but I don’t particularly like dicks.”
Lucas laughs out loud. “No, the only dick I like is my own.”