Page 19 of Fateful Hearts
Kyle glances around, looking directly into my office. I drop my eyes back to my computer screen to avoid eye contact even though I desperately want to see what he is doing. “There’s no one important around, soIthinkright nowis theperfecttime to discuss this.”
I let out a small snort, knowing he saw me here, and that wasdefinitelya dig at me. “Kyle, look… I’ll call you tonight when I get home. But right now, I have work to do.”
He lets out a small chuckle. “Mm… so I come here to apologize, and you make this all about you? I try to do the right thing, and you won’t even let me do that.Typical Zo.And you wonderwhywe never worked out.”
I glance up again, only this time, Zoey’s face turns red, and I am unsure if it’s from anger or embarrassment. I don’t want to have to go out there and step in, but I will if I need to.
“I don’t wonder why we never worked out, Kyle.I know why.And you want to apologize, great! Thank you. I appreciate that. Now you can go before I get in trouble for being disruptive at work.”
He chuckles. “You thinkthisis being disruptive? And you thinkthatwas me apologizing? C’mon, Zo, do you even know me at all? I can definitely befar moredisruptive than I am being right now.”
Zoey sighs. “Kyle, please.”
“You know what? I came here to talk to you calmly about something important, something exciting for you and Hailee, but I don’t think I’ll bother now.”
“Kyle,” Zoey snaps as he turns and starts to walk to the elevator bank. “Dammit, Kyle,” Zoey calls again, making the smug prick turn back and smile.
“Ask nicely, Zo,” he chimes.
This guy is a master manipulator.
And I can’t stand his ugly fucking face.
Zoey huffs, folding her arms over her chest. “If it’s something for Hailee, I want to know, Kyle… please.”
He steps back, a bright fucking smile on his face like he’s just won the damn lottery for getting her to give in to him. My stomach churns at having to watch all of this play out in front of me.
I should step in.
I should make this guy realize what a fucking cunt he is.
This is inappropriate in the office, and I am damn sure this prick knows it.
He spins around and starts talking, the cocky attitude laid bare for all to see. “Okay, because you asked so nicely. You know me and my girlfriend, Tamara, have been together for a while now. Well… I asked her to marry me.”
I snap my head to Zoey and watch her face turn pale. She nods her head and weakly smiles. “I’m very happy for you both.”
He grins wide like he knows this bullshit is getting to her. “I want Hailee to be our flower girl, and the wedding is in two weeks.”
Zoey gasps. “Two weeks?”
He chuckles. “When you know, you know, right? So you and Hailee will be there, yeah?”
The pompous attitude is getting to me so badly, I want to wipe that smug look right off his damn face.
Then I see the hesitation on Zoey’s face and the sheer panic in her eyes. She doesn’t want to go, but she doesn’t want him to win this little game of cat and mouse he’s playing.
So I stand abruptly and rush out to her.
“I don’t think that is such a good ide—”
“We wouldloveto come,” I interrupt Zoey, wrapping my arm around her shoulders and pulling her tightly to my side.
Zoey is tense as hell beside me, her eyes locked on me as Kyle eyes me suspiciously. “Ahh… are you guys dating now?”
“N—” I stop Zoey’s response by leaning in and kissing her cheek.
“Yeah. Why do you think I was so protective of Zoey on Friday? We’d love to come to your wedding together…as a couple.”