Page 24 of Fateful Hearts
“Yes, and he will be at our place soon, so we better get moving. C’mon, grab your stuff, and let’s head off.”
She jumps on her toes and hurries away to grab her school supplies.
Dad narrows his eyes on me. “Blake, huh?”
“Not you too. He’s one of my bosses from work, Dad.”
“But it is a…he?”
Groaning, I stand and start heading for the front door. “Okay, I’m going home now. Hailee!”
“Coming, Mom,” she calls back and scurries toward me.
I wrap my arm around Hailee as we walk toward the car. And with a wave over my shoulder, I say, “I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Thanks for taking care of our girl.”
“It’s our pleasure, darling. Have a good night with your boss. Just nottoomuch of a good night, if you know what I mean?”
I snort out a laugh. “Jesus, Mom,” I mumble under my breath as I open the car door for Hailee to jump in the back.
She grins as she slips into her booster seat, throwing her backpack on the seat next to her, the fake mustache still firmly planted on her face. “You keeping that mustache on all the way home?”
“I think it makes me look sophisticated.”
Chuckling, I lean in, planting a kiss on her head. “Of course it does.”
Closing her car door, I walk to the driver’s side while Mom and Dad stand by the front door waving. Now that Mom has put it in my mind, I can’t help but wonder if maybe Blake will want something in return for this.
But I can’t think about that right now.
I have to get us home in time to meet him.
So I send off a quick wave to my parents and start the car. “You ready,amigo?”
Hailee giggles in the backseat. “Si, senorita!”
I laugh as I reverse out of the driveway and onto the road. Mom waves frantically as I drive off, and I let out a long exhale at the feeling of being relieved to be away from the twenty questions. I know they’re only looking out for me, and I understand that what’s happening with Blake is a unique situation, but it will be okay.
It has to be.
“Mom?” Hailee asks from the back of the car.
My eyes flick to the rearview mirror to look at her. “Yeah, Starshine?”
“I’m excited that Blake is coming for dinner. I like him. He’s nice.”
Smiling, I avert my eyes back to the road. “He is nice. He’s a good friend.”
Hailee giggles. “Friend… uh-huh.”
I roll my eyes. “Don’tyoustart with me now, young lady.”
This kid—she’s so much more grown-up for her age than she should be.
She snickers as we pull into our driveway and the garage. “Blake and I have some things we need to discuss with you when he arrives.”
Hailee sits forward between the seats, looking at me. “Why?”
I lean in and press my lips to her nose. “Just wait until Blake arrives. He’s not far away. Can you hold on to your cute little mustache until then?”