Page 30 of Fateful Hearts
“Fake date,” I specify for clarity.
He rolls his eyes. “Potato-potahto. If you’re going tofake dateme, you’ll at least drink good wine. Throw the rest of that trash out, and I will bring you the good stuff tomorrow.”
“And what happens to be the good stuff?”
“Château d'Yquem, Sauternes 2019. It’s a French dessert wine… sweet, flowery, and delicious.”
I let out an obnoxious snort. “And how much exactly is this flowery concoction?”
“Around three hundred and seventy dollars.”
“You do know how pretentious you sound right now, don’t you?” I burst out laughing.
Hailee keeps her eyes on her iPad, pretending not to listen, but I know she is.
Blake smiles and lets out an exhale. “I know I can flash my wealth around sometimes, but I worked hard for what I have, Zoey. So why not spend it on things that make you feel good?”
“And expensive wine makes you feel good?”
“Well, it certainly tastes better than that pond scum.” He shrugs.
I bring my glass to my lips and take a long sip, letting out an exaggerated, “Ahhh,” before following with, “I happen to like my pond scum.”
He dips his chin. “Okay, come to my place one night. We can have it with dinner, and then you can make your final decision.”
“Deal.” Mr. Muggles jumps on my lap, and I smile as she walks across me and straight for Blake, taking her position on his lap. He doesn’t seem to care, though, moving his hands straight into Mr. Muggles’ fur to pet her.
“So you and Brianna were pretty tight back in the day, huh?” I ask, wanting to know more about that dynamic.
I’ve overheard many discussions in the office, but I don’t know the full background, not being in that inner circle. Being the PA means you’re always that one step removed from the rest of the people in the company.
Though with how pressed up against Blake’s side I am now, I can’t say I am all that far removed from him right now. Not that I’m complaining because he smellssodamn good.
“Brianna and I go way back. Our parents are best friends, so we grew up together. I think our parents had it planned that Bri and I would end up together, and it’s not for lack of trying. We did, and we dated, but when you’ve known someone your entire life, they’re more like family, and for Bri and me, it was just too damn weird… like dating my sister. It was never going to work with us. Don’t get me wrong, I love her with every inch of me, just… not like that, you know?”
I smile, nodding my head. “I think that’s so sweet and probably a good thing because Nash is super protective of her.”
Blake rolls his eyes. “Oh, don’t I know it.”
“So then, what else happened with you and Nash? Because I know there’s more to the story. I have pieces of it, but I’ve been trying to assemble the puzzle for months.”
He glances at Hailee, then at me, and I shrug. “She’s not listening, are you, baby?”
Hailee doesn’t reply. She simply continues with whatever she’s doing, completely transfixed on the screen.
Blake strokes Mr. Muggles and rolls his shoulders. “His ex-fiancée, Felicity, and I…you know,when they were still together.”
I can’t help the flood of disappointment that washes over me. “Oh, Blake.”
“I’m not proud of it. I don’t even know why I did it. It certainly wasn’t because I had feelings for her. But I’mnotthat guy anymore. Nash sees that in me and has given me another chance to prove myself to him.”
I hold up my hand. “You don’t need to defend yourself to me, Blake. You didn’t do wrong by me.”
A slow smile crosses his face as he turns to look at Hailee.
Sliding my glass of wine on the coffee table, I pull the throw rug over my legs and grab the remote. “Okay, so you ready for a girls’ night at the movies?”
Blake widens his eyes as Hailee suddenly picks her ears up. “Did you say movie? Can I watch one before bed, Mom?Pleeeaaase? Just one?”