Page 34 of Fateful Hearts
“My pleasure. I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Can you let me know when you get home?”
I chuckle. “There’s your motherly instincts kicking in again.”
She groans and grabs my shoulders, shoving me out the door. “Okay, wiseass.”
I laugh as I pull out my keys. “I’ll text you when I get home. Sleep well, Cupcake.”
She furrows her brows. “Cupcake?”
Tilting my head, I grin. “It’s my nickname for you.”
“I have a nickname?”
“I know how much you like cupcakes. It’s why I brought them tonight.”
It’s easy to see the confusion crossing her features. “How did you…” she trails off, her eyes darting upward like she’s trying to think about it.
“Every day at two, you have a cupcake. It’s almost a ritual.”
She lets out a shocked laugh. “You noticed that?”
“You’re easy to notice, Zoey. And thankfully, I have all day to look at you.”
Her eyes drop from me to the floor like she’s embarrassed, her cheeks instantly flushing bright red. “I, um… haven’t seen you looking.”
“Because you’re dedicated, and when you’re there, you’re there to work. That’s what makes you so damn good at your job.”
She shakes her head. “Okay, well… it’s late, and we both have work tomorrow. Hailee needs her water, so…”
Smirking, I nod. “Have a good night, Zoey.”
“Goodnight, Blake.”
I step out onto the porch and watch as she closes the door. Then I let out a long exhale, feeling like tonight may have been the start of something. I have no idea what, but I feel like something changed between Zoey and me.
Whether it’s the fact our friendship has deepened because my connection with her daughter has strengthened, I don’t know. But what I do know is that I feel at home here with her, and I don’t want to give this up.
Turning, I head for my car with a pep in my step and my hands in my pockets. “The Punisher,” I mumble to myself with a small chuckle. “Jesus Christ.”
Hitting the unlock button on my key, the car beeps, and I jump in, taking one last look at Zoey’s quaint little home. It’s so entirely opposite to my stark, bland apartment. I would take Zoey’s warm, inviting home any day.
Reversing my car out of her driveway, I start the short journey home, and the entire time my cock is aching. Remembering her smell, the way she felt pressed against me, the fact I held her in my arms so fucking close, and I couldn’t do a damn thing about it irks me.
I wanted to kiss her on multiple occasions tonight.
The woman is like a fucking magnet drawing me in closer and closer.
The attraction is like a siren calling me to her.
It’s bad.
It’srealfucking bad.
And the more I think about it as I drive out onto the freeway, the angrier it makes me.
The hornier it makes me.