Page 39 of Fateful Hearts
“All of that, plus she has this amazing daughter and a deadbeat ex to deal with. There are so many factors involved. And we work together, Bri. It’s just not something you do.”
“So if you’re trying to talk yourself out of it, it means there are definitely feelings involved. I know you, Blake. Better than you know yourself. If you like Zoey, let me work on Nash regarding office relationships, and you do the hard yards on getting Zoey to actually like a guy like you.”
I chuckle. “How did that insult feel for you?”
She groans. “No, didn’t like that one either. I’m sorry. You’re a great guy. She’ll love you like I do.”
I smirk. “You’re adorable. And you’re going to make a great mom.”
Brianna squeals excitedly. “I am, aren’t I? But you’re deflecting. Blake, it’s been forever since you had a serious relationship. You work far too hard. You need to enjoy life too, and if Zoey can help you do that, then you should do it.”
My eyes slowly shift up, and I look out through my glass paneling at Zoey, who is busy typing away, and I can’t help the rush of adrenaline that surges through me when I glimpse her gorgeous face. She ignites a fire inside me. “So this whole fake dating thing, it’s because of her ex, Kyle. Zoey and I are going to his wedding together to prove that Zoey doesn’t need him like he thinks she does. Thing is… she’d be so much better without that asshole in their lives. But he’s left her with so much debt, which keeps her under his thumb. Zoey needs him to pay for her daughter’s shit because most of her money goes toward paying down his loans. It’s a racket he’s been toying with her since she left him. He is a piece of shit.”
Brianna sighs down the line. “Sounds like a real piece of work. Also sounds like you want to swoop in and save her. But trust me, from one strong independent woman looking in on how I see Zoey, if you try to step in and save her, it will push her away.”
I feel those words in my bones. Zoey is the type of woman who doesn’t want to be saved. She wants to provide for her daughter in her own way, even if that way is screwing them both over.
“I know you’re right, but I want to help in whatever way that might be.”
“Mm… just don’t get caught in the drama of it all, Blake. You’re tough at work. Everyone knows that. But I know you. Deep down, you’re nothing but a marshmallow. You’re soft on the inside, all pliable and squishy.”
I scrunch up my face. “Way to make me sound masculine and manly there, Sparkles.”
She snorts out a laugh. “What I mean to say is you come off arrogant and broody at work, but you’re kind and sensitive when you care about someone. You’ve only ever been gentle and loving toward me. I never get the asshole Blake that everyone else sees. I’m sure you’re like that with her too, right?”
Rolling my shoulders, I can’t help but think Brianna is right. When I care about someone, Iamdifferent around them. And I am a softer version of myself when I’m around Zoey and Hailee. They bring out a warmth in me that I reserve only for those I feel truly deserve it.
My eyes shift across the hall to look at Zoey, my chest squeezing tight. “So what the fuck am I meant to do, Bri? We’re supposed to be fake dating. I can’t just up the stakes and be like… hey, let’s actually date. Especially when Nash will be so against it.”
Brianna sighs heavily. “The Blake I know wouldn’t hold himself back from a challenge, would he?”
I shake my head, fighting back a grin. “Don’t start that shit with me, Sparkles.”
“I mean… I could dare you to ask her out. Would that help?”
“Fuck no! I’m not having our relationship start out on something like that. I’m a jerk, I know that, but I don’t want to be a complete fucking asshole.”
Brianna laughs. “Good. Then get off your ass and make a move. You let me handle Nash. If it fails, it fails. What’s the worst that can happen?”
“One of us has to quit. And it would be me because I can’t possibly have Zoey lose her job over me.”
“Okay, so if it came to that and you made a move, but she didn’t reciprocate. What if it became awkward, or if she did reciprocate and you guys ended up together for a while, but then shit didn’t work out, and it becomes awkward… would you be okay having to leave Ensure knowing you took your shot?”
Sinking back into my seat, I stare at Zoey with the thought of doing it. Taking that leap. Walking out there and kissing the fuck out of her right now issodamn tempting.
But there’s too much at stake.
“I can’t. The risks are too high.”
“I understand. I hate to see you lonely, Blake. You deserve to be happy, and if Zoey is your chance at happiness like Nash and I are, then I want that for you.”
“I know, Bri, but sometimes life isn’t easy like that.” I let out a long exhale. “I know you want me to be happy, but right now, being friends with herisenough. Hanging out with Zoey, spending time with her and Hailee… it’s enough.”
Brianna is quiet for a moment, but then she sighs. “Okay, Blake. If you’re happy, then I’m happy.”
“I’m happy, Sparkles. After all, I’m going to be an uncle, and I don’t have time for my own relationships. I have baby shower planning to prepare for.”
Brianna snorts. “Oh… you think Paisley is going to let you take that over?”