Page 56 of Fateful Hearts
“Can I come over and read it one day, Blake?” Hailee asks, and I gawk at her.
“Hailee, you can’t just invite yourself to Blake’s house.”
But he strolls in with a smile on his face and nods. “I’ll do one better, we can take it with us today, and you can start reading it while we’re driving to the rink.”
Hailee gasps, pressing the book to her chest in excitement. “Oh, wow, really?”
“Yeah, Starshine. Today isyourday. Whatever you want, you get.”
She stands taller, turning to me. “Can I get a pony?”
Blake bursts out laughing as I scowl at him. “Except for a pony.”
“You’re being a spoilsport, Mom.”
I roll my eyes. “Sorry, but we have nowhere to store said pony.”
Hailee groans. “Fine, you’re right. What about a puppy, then?”
“I don’t think Mr. Muggles would appreciate that.”
“Hmm… yeah. She does like all the attention on her. Okay… you all good to go to the rink now, Blake?” Hailee asks impatiently.
“Ready when you are.” Blake tilts his head toward the door.
“Well, c’mon then, people, we only have so many hours in the day and a lot to get through. Let’s go, let’s go!” Hailee commands, then takes off, rushing out the door. The book still cradled to her chest.
I step up to Blake, the fact he’s channeling James Dean right now is making it harder for me to concentrate, but I nudge his shoulder. “Thank you. You don’t know what it means to her you taking the time to spend today with her.”
He shakes his head. “I’m spending the day with both of you, Zoey. I like both of your company. You’re easy to be around. I like seeing you both smile. If I can do that, then it makes me happy too.”
“It’s good for her to have a male figure in her life who isn’t such an asshole, you know?”
Blake chuckles. “You mean someone who isn’t like her father?”
I tilt my head. “Yeah, someone who is theexact oppositeof Kyle.”
“I’m glad I’m nothing like him.”
Butterflies flitter in my stomach as I think about the way he kissed me. Kyle never kissed me in all the time we were together in such a passionate way as Blake kissed me.So yeah, Blake, you arenothinglike Kyle. You aresomuch better.
“Yeah, nothing like him at all.”
“Are you guys coming or what?” Hailee calls out from the end of the hall.
We both smirk, and Blake gestures for me to lead the way.Is it weird that I hope he stares at my ass as I walk out in front of him?Just in case, I give a little extra sway to my ass as I step off.
We make our way to the front door where Hailee’s already waiting, arms folded like she’s annoyed with us.
“So impatient, Starshine.”
Blake chuckles as Hailee takes one last look around his apartment. “I do like your place, Blake. I would like to come back and spend more time in your library.”
Blake nods. “We can arrange that.”
“I think you could do with a pet to liven things up a bit.”
Oh my God.