Page 59 of Fateful Hearts
Could we be a happy family together?
I would love nothing more.
Hailee adores him. That much is clear, but there’s so much at stake.
I can’t risk it.
Even though every single part of me wants to.
Especially in amazing moments like this one.
“Okay, I need ice cream,” Blake suggests.
Hailee nods emphatically. “Yes! I want ice cream.”
“Okay, that’s our next stop. But first, I got to get off the damn floor.”
Hailee jumps up with the ease of a gazelle, I jump up next and place my hand out to help Blake up, but he stumbles and falls on his ass again.
“Mother fu—” He stops because Hailee is here, and she giggles as he tries to get up again.
His skates slide out from under him again, and he goes down straight on his back. He groans, and I can’t help but laugh. “Do you need me to get one of the workers to help you up?”
He sits up and huffs. “Hailee, this is one of the things the Breakfast Bandits cannotdo together,” he says, then undoes his laces. I narrow my eyes on him as he promptly undoes the skates and yanks them off, then stands in just his socks on the rink.
Hailee purses her lips, placing her hand on Blake’s arm for comfort. “It’s okay. We can’t be good at everythingallthe time.”
Blake dips his head, then exhales. “Okay, let’s go.”
I laugh as Hailee and I skate off the rink, and he walks, skates in hand.This has been the most entertaining and eye-opening thing I have ever done.As we step off the rink, I turn to him. “It’s nice to know youdohave a weakness.”
“Tell anyone, and we will have to have more of a discussion about what happened after I walked out of your room last night.”
Widening my eyes, a flush crosses my cheeks. “Nope! Secret’s safe with me.”
He grins as we pull up a seat, and Hailee and I begin taking off our skates. “So, what’s next on the list, Hailee?”
She pulls out her piece of paper and shows it to us. “Next on the list is going to the planetarium. I want to see the stars, especially Saturn.”
Blake moves to put on his shoes. “All right, to the planetarium it is, and we’ll grab ice cream on the way.”
We all pull on our shoes, return the skates to the hire desk, and then walk out to the car. Placing Hailee in her booster, she is smiling from ear to ear. “I can’t wait to see the stars. I know it’s daytime, but they will have things on display, and I am just so excited to see it all.”
“You’ve always loved the stars. It’s why I call you Starshine… because you love them so much. I’m so glad we’re able to take you there today. With work and everything else going on, I’ve never gotten the chance to, so I’m so excited we’re finally going.”
Blake glances back to look at us as I finish buckling Hailee in. “I’m pumped I get to be a part of this. Thanks for letting me come along, Hailee.”
“I’m glad you can come too. Now let’s get ice cream and go see the stars before I pee myself with excitement.”
I laugh and close her door, walking around to the passenger side and jumping in.
Blake smiles and starts my car. “Guess we better get the kid some ice cream, and then to the planetarium… stat. We don’t want her peeing herself.”
“We do not.”
As we jump out of the car, I walk around and open the door. Hailee has spilled some of her ice cream down her front, and it’s smeared all over her face. I smirk, reaching across her for her backpack, and pull out some wet wipes. “Did you enjoy that?”