Page 68 of Fateful Hearts
I stare blankly at her raising my brow. “I have no idea what you just said.”
She chuckles. “I think we should set up a play date for them, yes. But in the meantime, let’s feed Beast, have some breakfast ourselves, then we can head over to Kyle’s and pick up Hailee if you’re okay to do that with me?”
Smiling, I nod. “I wouldn’t want to do anything else.”
We get up, get dressed, and head out to the kitchen. Zoey talks me through the right quantities to feed Beast, and honestly, I’m grateful to have her help where Beast is concerned. He was an impulse adoption, and I seriously don’t know what I’m doing regarding cats. All I knew was that I couldn’t leave him at that shelter.
We eat some simple toast because Lord knows I have nothing fancy here, then set off in Zoey’s car for Kyle’s house.
As we pull up the long driveway, I can instantly tell Kyle has money and isn’t afraid to flaunt it. Where I like to keep my wealth understated, Kyle throws his around like he’s compensating for something much,muchsmaller.
I smirk, thinking he is stroking his ego with the Porsche out the front, the water fountain in the middle of the driveway, and the stained-glass doors with gold accents. If I thought this guy was a douche before, this has cemented it.
I glance at Zoey, and she rolls her eyes. “Don’t even start… I know what this looks like.”
I scoff. “Looks like the guy is drowning in money, and the asshole’s making you pay for his damn debts. Looks like I have even more reason to hate this dickhole.”
Zoey exhales but doesn’t reply—she can’t—because she knows I am one hundred percent right.
Pulling the car up to park next to the most ridiculously overstated fountain I have ever seen in my entire life, I shake my head. “I ever get this pompous, smack me across the head with Hailee’s baseball bat, will you?”
Zoey finally laughs as we exit the car and head for the door. She rolls her shoulders as we stand at the pretentious front doors and then shakes her head. “Why do I feel like a child about to be scalded by her father.”
“Because Kyle’s a brat, a tyrant, and the asshole thrives on watching you feel insecure. Don’t let him think he’s winning, Zoey. That shit only gives him the strength he is searching for. Show him who the boss is.”
She grins. “Technically, you’re my boss.”
Smirking, I raise my brow up and down a few times. “I mean… I have no problem with showing him that. All I need is the all-clear, and I will show him in no uncertain terms…who. The. Boss. Is.”I enunciate the words to get the point across.
Zoey wraps her arm around my waist and pulls me to her in a tight hug. “Thank you… for always trying to make me feel better.”
“Anytime. Shall we get your girl back?” I ask.
“Yes, please.”
With a firm knock that declares my authority, Zoey stands beside me, straightening her shoulders like she’s trying to be assertive for when His Royal Douchebag makes an appearance. But the door pulls back, and a young woman answers. Honestly, the girl looks to be in her late teens, with long brown hair and makeup so thick it’s hard to tell what her natural face might look like as she stares at the cell in her hand. “Hey, I saw you guys pull up on the security cam. I was wondering how long you were going to loiter at the front for before you knocked on the door.”
I tilt my head, wondering who the fuck this chick is when Zoey fake smiles. “Sorry to keep you waiting, Tamara. We were discussing what mood Kyle might be in and how we should broach this.”
Tamara exhales, obviously annoyed, and finally looks up from her cell directly at Zoey. “You know, Zo, Kyle only wants what’s best forourfamily, and with it being so close tomywedding, this kind of stress is like,totally,a buzz kill.”
Zoey slumps her shoulders. “Sorry I caused you stress, Tamara… I certainly hope it doesn’t give you an acne breakout or worse… herpes. Can I get my daughter now?”
I try to fight back my laugh because that was a slam dunk.
Tamara gasps, her hand instantly flinging to her lips. “Oh God, do you think I will breakout? I better go cleanse my aura.” She takes off, leaving the front door open as she rushes off down the hall, leaving Zoey and me standing out the front.
“Jesus, talk about self-absorbed?” I grumble under my breath.
Zoey and I step into the home, which is just as pretentious inside as it is out.
Zoey nods her head. “She’s one of a kind.”
“Also, I knew this guy was rich, but honestly, this shit’s too much. What’s he thinking, and why the hell hasn’t he paid his loans off instead of making you? If he has this much money…” I wave my hand around and change direction. “Nope… this is some whacked shit right here.”
Zoey shrugs as we walk through the giant living room. In front of us are large patio doors that fold out onto the deck, which has an infinity pool. My eyes snap to what looks like Hailee, sitting alone by the pool’s edge, and I nudge Zoey’s arm. “Is that Hailee?” I ask.
“What thefuck?” Zoey groans under her breath as we both take off for the pool at a quick pace. We rush outside, and Zoey bends down, grabs Hailee, and pulls her back from the edge.