Page 99 of Fateful Hearts
“The wedding ring represents the promises and potential of marriage. It has no beginning and no end and is a timeless symbol of the love and commitment you have pledged. As you wear your ring, let it remind you of the love you feel here today.
“Zoey, please place the ring on Blake’s finger, and repeat after me.”
I place my shaking hand out, and Zoey slides the ring on, a huge smile on her face as she repeats after the officiant. “I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and devotion as we join our lives together today, tomorrow, and for as long as our love shall last.”
The ring slides into place, fitting like a glove, and I can’t help but think it feels like it has always been there. It feels like home.
“And Blake, please place the ring on Zoey’s finger and repeat after me.”
My eyes meet Zoey’s as I slide the ring on her finger, her eyes flooding with tears as I edge the ring all the way down, saying the same words back to her. It’s like the world stops, and it’s just us, here, together, in this one moment. Time stands still, and nothing can compare to the joy I feel right here.
“True marriage is more than a ceremony or a piece of paper… it is a lasting bond that joins two lives and two hearts. Marriage is love. Companionship. Trust. And Respect. May you always find strength in each other, laugh with each other, and find safety and comfort in each other’s words and company. May you celebrate many joyful seasons together, support each other when days are difficult, and continue to learn and grow closer together with each passing year.”
We may be doing this because we need each other to gain something from it, but there is love too. It may have come from a place of necessity, but I feel this completely.
“By virtue of the authority vested in me by the State of Louisiana and American Marriage Ministries, I now pronounce you… married.”
Everyone cheers as Zoey lets out a little laugh, and I can’t help myself pulling her close against my body. My eyes locking with hers.
“You may kiss your bride.”
I don’t hesitate, slamming my lips to hers, the emotion of the moment overwhelming me as I kiss her for the first time as her husband, not caring what anyone thinks or who is watching. Her hands run up my back holding me to her as I hear Hailee giggling beside us, and it brings me back to reality as I slow the kiss and pull back regretfully. Still looking into Zoey’s excited eyes, I smile at her while everyone cheers. “I love you, wife,” I whisper through the noise.
“I love you, husband.”
“Do we get cake now?” Hailee asks, tugging on my suit jacket.
I let out a laugh as I wrap my arm around her. “Yeah, Starshine, we get cake. Let’s go to Revel Rose to celebrate.”
Everyone rushes over. Brianna and Paisley instantly pull Zoey to the side to talk about her dress as Nash and Lucas approach me, slapping my shoulder.
Nash shakes his head. “I guess the fact you guys are married now means it’s more than an office romance,anditisgoing to help with your image of being a family man. You’re certainly pushing all my buttons here, Blake, but you and Zoey are determined to make a go of this, so I have no choice but to let you both try and work this thing out.But, if your marital problems interfere with work—”
“They won’t, Nash. Work is work. We’re both professionals.”
He huffs under his breath. “Okay, I need you both, so I must let this play out. Just don’t fuck over the company or me.”
“I’m already working on my image problem. This is going to work, Nash. I assure you.”
“Oh and do I need to spell it out that you aren’t allowed to fuck aroundatwork? It’s a place of business, Blak—”
“Hold on a sec. You can’t tell me you and Brianna haven’t had a little something, something at work? But, rest assured, Zoey and I will keep it tomyoffice…from now on.”
“Wait. What do you mean,from now on?Blake, what the fuck?”
“It’s probably better that you don’t know,” I tell him, enjoying getting him riled up.
“Jesus, Blake. I’m going to have to send in a cleaning crew! But in the meantime, let’s go to Revel Rose and celebrate. Drinks on me, but really, they should be on you after that bit of information.”
I chuckle. “Now you’re talking.”
We all start walking out of the courthouse when Cleo steps up to my side with the paperwork. “Everything is good to go on the marriage side of things, paperwork will be filed, and your bank accounts will have Zoey’s name listed on them first thing in the morning.”
“Excellent, thank you, Cleo. Appreciate you helping us with this custody drama.”
She shakes her head. “That little girl adores the both of you. The fact that asshole father wants to take her from you both is ridiculous.”
I stop, Cleo halting with me, letting the others walk ahead, giving us some space. Cleo instantly tenses and exhales. “What’s going on? Do I need to be concerned?”