Page 135 of Sweet Strings
“She’s like my sister. We’re allowed to conspire against you. Get over it,” I say, sticking my tongue out.
Zepp sighs, running his fingers over his forehead. “Kat called out today.”
I stiffen. “Called out?”
“Yeah. You know, used a sick day today and yesterday,” Seger quips like the cocky asshole he is.
Such a goddamn know-it-all. I swear I would have put them six feet deep if we had actually grown up together. I mean, I plot their murders every once in a great while when they’re being jackasses.
Like today.
I blink several times. Seger puts his feet on his desk as he leans back in his chair. Secretly, I hope he falls backward. I don’t want blood. Well, not much. But a nice bruise would suffice to knock the little attitude out of him.
Ah, siblings. They’re a joy to have.
Zepp’s jaw tics with irritation as he glares at Seger’s dirty shoe on his desk. “Act like a civilized adult, you pig,” he mutters, swiftly knocking Seger’s feet off his desk and jolting him forward.
Seger grunts, placing his palms on his desk to stop himself from smacking the wood. Damn, too bad.
“Back to the matter at hand. Is she really sick? She hasn’t called out in all the months she’s worked here.”
Finally, they each take a deep breath. Sometimes I think they need a vacation away from each other. But being twins and all, they have a weird bond. Not to mention they share a wife.
I shudder. I hate thinking about what they do in the damn dark of their home. Stupid intrusive thoughts.
Zepp grimaces. “She and her weird boyfriend, Trevor, are having some issues. Um, she just needed some time to straighten it out. Mental health days are classed as sick days here, so we just gave her the go-ahead.” Oh good, that means there is work on my desk ready to be completed. Thankfully, I won’t have to worry about any anonymous notes landing there again.
“Well, okay then. I’ll be off to my office for now unless you need something.” Peering at both of them, they shrug. “Good. I’m out.”
“Good to have you back, my sister, from the same mister! Ha! I nailed it!” Seger’s whoops follow me as I make my way down the long hallway toward my office, which sits a little ways from theirs, giving me the much-needed privacy I crave.
Since Whispered Words is only a couple months into my program, there isn’t too much work for me to handle at the office. My sole purpose once a band is put in my hands is to mold them back into best-selling artists. But it’s nice to be back here in the peace and quiet I’ve carved out for myself. My office is my place of Zen—a place no one disturbs anymore.
As I shut my office door behind me, I dig my phone out of my purse.
Hey, Kat! Just wanted to make sure you were okay. My brothers said you were feeling a little under the weather.
Listen, I am concerned about her well-being. She may not be a close friend, but I like to think Kat and I are on good terms. She may be my employee, but I like to check in on her.
Hey:/… I was just having a rough time. Trevor disappeared without saying goodbye, and I didn’t know where he went… I was worried until he came back this morning.
Jesus. Who disappears without saying goodbye? I hope he had a damn good reason.
Just checking to see if he is okay.
He’s been better. His mom got sick, so he went to check on her, and his phone broke when he was there. He wasn’t able to get another one until today. I’m sorry I couldn’t make it today. There’s a stack of mail on your desk.
Family comes first, Kat. I’m just glad that you’re okay, and he’s okay.